Sunday, October 5, 2008
Mountain Biking at Sesqui
It had been a while since I had been on my mountain bike, and I finally got a chance to ride Saturday. I only had time after Bobby's soccer game to ride at Sesqui, so I did a couple of loops. I had a blast, and my heart rate was way up. I averaged 150 or so for the entire ride. My avg speed was a bit under 10 mph. Sand and some tight sections kept my speed down, and I even wrecked in one spot. Overall, I realized how much I have missed riding off road. I've only been riding on a trainer and doing commuted.
Sept. Training Totals
Biked 90.6 miles
Ran 35.3 miles
Running is way up!. Biking is down a bit. I think I forgot to log some bike training, and I also took over a week off from training due to a stomache issue. I have not swam in over a month??
I feel good about the run, and must get in some more time in the pool.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I'm still Alive!
OK, it's been some time. Nothing wrong, just been kinda boring. I have not been inspired to share, and work has left me exhausted in the evenings.
On a good note, I have been biking regularly to and from work. I have only missed a few days lately. I really enjoy it, and all the kids at my school think I'm really cool! And, they like to laugh at the shorts!! Occasionally, I a school bus full of my school kids passes me, and the all cheer me on. And, at stop lights, I often get the "That's Mr. Swick!!" double take by sleepy parents and students. Last week, I did a total of about 21 miles on the bike just commuting. My avg. speed is only 15 mph, but I have lots of steep hills and lights. I think it was Thursday morning, too, when I realized that 60 degree weather is cold on a bike. Time to purchase some warmer clothes.
Also, I have increased my running miles last week up to 18. Using the interval trainer off of podrunner on iTunes, has helped push the greater distance. I'm not terribly speedy. I'm doing mostly 10 min. miles, but I like going longer distances. However, they are starting to take a toll on my body. I strained my right groin and ankle running last week. I plan to take it easier this week. I been running on the trails in sandhills more, as well. I like the hills, and soft surface. Plus, I get to see some interesting things a treadmill just doesn't offer. I believe I scared a coyote on Friday when I was running. Just caught a glimpse, but I've heard tales he's back there!
This week so far has been a big bust. I had planned a new urban assault on Sesqui after work one day when I was talking to Amy on Sunday, and then BAM! I've been struggling with a stomache thing ever since. I won't share the details, but tailgating on Saturday, and hitting the Greekfest on Sunday caught up with me. I'm still not ready to do any real training. Yesterday, I got home from work, and had the shakes getting off the bike after riding home. I did NOT ride today, and don't have plans for tomorrow either. Also, I've done no running either. Hopefully, I will feel ready to do something on Wednesday. The pool is open at the Y again, and I have been missing my swims.
Next Goal: 12k in Oct
Current Status: Sour Stomache
Upcoming: Time will tell
Friday, September 5, 2008
Recent Stuff
Been lazy about getting up to ride into work. I have to leave on the bike before 7 am to get to work in time to cool and change, so I've been opting for the snooze button more. I only rode to work 1 time this week.
I did manage to get up to the Y for some weights and a trainer ride on Thursday. Been a long time since I've ridden the trainers, and I put in 45 minutes with a total of about 12 miles. Not very fast. My knee has been locking up. I watched the Cocks stink up the first half of the Vandy game, and lost motivation to work hard myself, as well.
Today, I headed out for a trail run at Clemson Extension near Sandhills. I've been looking for something new to run, and had a blast running the trails. A bit sandy, and slow, but lots of hills to climb. I ran for about an hour and made about 6 miles. Still doing the interval thing. I ran all over the place in many different directions, and saw a bunch of other runners getting out before any possible storms. I definitely want to do this run some more!
Next Goal: 12k in Oct.
Current Status: Sore and tired
Upcoming: Busy weekend, not sure
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
August Training Totals
August has been getting back into the schedule of teaching and fitting in training.
I ran and swam more in August than in July, so that's a good sign, but my bike totals keep shrinking.
I hope to use Sept. and get back into a good solid routine.
Swimming: 6400.00 Yd - 3h 30m
Biking: 133.20 Mi - 8h 44m 07s
Running: 29.85 Mi - 5h 04m 55
Biking: 133.20 Mi - 8h 44m 07s
Running: 29.85 Mi - 5h 04m 55
More Long Interval Training
Made another successful commute today! Nice way to start the day, and get home from work without bringing home any of the aggravations. It's only 7.3 miles round trip, but I get some nice hills to work with, and I'm only slightly slower than driving.
Went to the Y for my second long run with the interval training I downloaded. I made through this time, and average running around 10 minute miles. I was just under 6 miles or the whole thing. I can run 45 minutes around 9 minute mile pace, but going 15 more minutes really changes things. I am amazed at how my body struggles when I hit the 45 minute mark. I ran for more than an hour tonight, and hope that by doing this more often I can get more used to running longer distances.
Next Goal: 12k in oct
Current Status: Sore left knee
Upcoming: commute again
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New Interval Run
I've had a 10k interval program on my iPod for some time now, but felt it was too easy to use. With my knee pain, I decided to give it a shot, thinking it would be I nice way to get some miles in and not aggravate the knee too much.
Well, I was wrong about the program being easy. The on and off plan looked simple on paper, but was not. I will most likely use the program more now. It made me run longer and harder even with the brief period of walking. I drank a bit too much water on one walk interval, and along with dinner, I almost choked up a bit of dinner. Not cool in the Y!
My guess for tonight was about 5 miles and I ran for about an hour. My knee was good the 1st 30 minutes, but started to get sore near the end. Actually, I stopped running with one more interval left, so I still have some work to do to complete the system.
I also put in some weight training.
Next Goal: 12k in oct
Current Status: Ready for some Football!
Upcoming: Commute Day?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Since my last post, I have not been on my best. Training and schedules have been hard to mesh. I've had the start of school, a little boy's birthday, and neighborhood junk to deal with. I did absolutely no training over the weekend, and started back up at the start of this week.
On Monday, I rode my bike to school (4.4 miles) and then got stuck by the rain. Luckily, wife could make it to my rescue. I made a trip to the Y at night for a brisk 5k run. I planned to train at 85% percent max, and could not do it. I felt horrible running, and backed off and walked for a bit several times. My left knee was very sore. I'm not sure what I did to it, but I could feel a fair amount of pressure running. I hope the poor run was due to the break in training, and that I will get the knee better faster.
Tonight, I skipped a ride to work in the rain! Made it to the Y for a spin class and swim. Spin class was so-so. The left knee was still painful. I worked through the class though. I had plenty of endurance, but the knee made it hard to fight through the heavy work. I got in a swim. A highlight of my recent training. I swam 100, 200, 500, 200, 100. Nothing to report unusual, but have started working some medley swim in the last 100 for a cool down and a change. I swam some backstroke and breaststoke today.
Next Goal: 12k in Oct
Current Status: Bad Left Knee
Upcoming: All depends on the knee
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Start of School
School started back up, and I made it to the Y after day back to teaching. I was worn out from the day, but getting in the class really recharged me. It was a tough class with lots of slow leg burning stuff. Not much to say about the class itself. After the class, I swam in the pool for 900m and had a blast. Swimming is quickly becoming a perfect way to loosen up and unwind from the day. I swam with little effort and really enjoyed just cruising.
Next Goal: 12k in Oct.
Current Status: Sore legs and knees from standing all day.
Upcoming: Medium run
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Off and On Work
Getting adjusted to working and training has not been as easy as I'd hoped. Since my last post, I have only been able to commute one time. I took the entire weekend off with children's parties and the museum's celebration, so my workouts have been spotty.
I did manage a nice 5 mile run on Monday night and a nice 1,000m swim tonight. The run felt great, and I did it on the Ol' home course around the lake in my neighborhood. I ran around a 10 minute pace the whole time and worked hard the last 1/2 mile to feel how the legs would do at the end of long run.
The swim tonight was lots of fun. I felt awesome after a long day and night getting ready for school opening. The swim thing is getting to be a favorite way to workout when I' a tad worn out. After the swim a guy talked to me about swimming, and actually asked how I learned to swim so smoothly. Huh!! Me!! I was not sure what he meant. I never think of myself as the smooth swimmer. He must have confused me with someone else.
If I had not forgotten to bring my sneakers, I would have even ridden on a trainer some tonight. Oh well, I will catch up some tomorrow I hope.
Next Goal: 12k in Oct
Current Status: Wishing I had brought shoes
Upcoming: weights and spinning
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Commute Accomplished
Today, I followed through on a promise from last school year by commuting to and from work. It's only about 4 1/2 miles there, and 9 miles round trip, but still I save a few drops of precious gas. I will try to continue this as much as possible. I will be looking into getting some saddle bags and winter gear if this keeps up.
This morning the ride in was quite cold. I could not believe it, but as I cut through the back of Wood Creek Farms to avoid traffic, I got chilly. I changed at work and started a day of in-service for the new school year. I'm actually excited about getting back to work.
After the static day of one big long meeting, I was prepped to get out and hit the road. It was kinda like that scene in Fight Club, where the guy sits in his cubicle all day and thinks about the beatings he will take. I was ready to get of the school by the end of the day. I rode to the Y, which was about 10 miles from my school, and swam about 1,000m. I swam 100, 200, 500, 200, 100 today. Another tri guy was swimming next to me, and I tried to keep up with his pace when possible. I have no idea if he was even pushing it, but I had a hard time keeping up. I have absolutely no knick! An area to work on.
I rode home after the swim by warm of Lake Carolina and Summit again. The hills still slow me down a good bit, but when I pushed on the flats I topped around 22 - 24 mph. Great way to start a new school year. I was in a super mood when I got home, and did not even mind the neighborhood association meeting I had to attend tonight!
Distance: 20.81 miles
Time: 1:15:58
Avg. Speed: 16.44 mph
Max Speed: 35.66
Next Goal: 12k in oct
Current Status: Ready to go again
Upcoming: Commute & maybe a late night run
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Medium Run with some weights
Went to the Y in all the rain today. I thought about waking up early to run this morning and ride this afternoon with a group, but plans changed.
At the Y, I did a medium pace run for about 30 minutes. I pushed around a 9 minute pace with about 4 minutes at 8 1/2 minute pace and 4 minutes at 8 minute pace. The 8 minute pace was tough, and when I finished the run, I noticed my right hamstring was really tight and sore. I may have pushed too hard, but felt good while running.
I also got in a little work with weights. Not much since I ended up leaving to go to the Gamecocks scrimmage tonight. Amy and I took the Boys to see the Cocks play. Joey absolutely loved it. He spent a lot of time demonstrating for us how the players were smashing. Pow! Pow! Bobby was tired, since he did not nap, and was his chatty self, asking questions about every little detail of the event. Why do they have those orange things, Daddy. Why did he not catch the ball, Daddy? And on and on...
Run Distance: 3.5 miles
Time: ~ 30 minutes
Avg HR: 145 bpm
Max HR: 159 bpm
Cals: 437
Next Goal: 12k in Oct
Current Status: Sore right hamstring and left toe
Upcoming: Commute to work, maybe swim and finish weights
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Adjusting for School
School starts back for me this week, so I must get back to the real world of training with a full time job. I will not be able to just workout whenever I like anymore. As I get back into a work schedule, I will be getting my training routine back to normal as well. I hope to keep up the conditioning even though I will have less time.
Today was an evening spin class followed with a swim. Amy joined me, too. I think she is getting into the spin classes like I have. Spin class was harder than usual tonight. Lots of climbing and sprint work. Lots of it, and it was harder than usual. On one climb that seemed to last forever, my legs bound up, and I had to back down and sit for a sec. It's been awhile since I have had to quit on a section in class.
After the spin class, I hit the pool. I swam 50, 100, 200, 200, 100, 50. Not a load of swimming, but I want to keep sharp in the pool, and any work is a bonus. The swim was typical except Amy and the Boys joined me. It was fun as Joey cheered me on swimming my laps. "Go Daddy!!," he would yell every time I touched by where he was floating near my lane. Bobby, by the way, has been working on swimming "Like the Olympics!," he claims. It's hilarious to see him breast stroking as he copies Phelps. Currently, he more flash than speed.
Swimming after a workout is such a great way to cool down. I really have been tight since sprinting on Saturday, and swimming loosened me up a great deal. I took an extra day from training on Monday, because of the soreness from the Saturday run at the track. My quads were like tight ropes straight down the center, and my right (outside turning) calf was cramped at the bottom. Walking was not fun at all.
Spin Time: 49:05
Zone Time: 44:47
Avg HR: 140 bpm
Max HR: 158 bpm
Swim: 700m (BTW Phelps swam 8300m total yesterday!! He also collected a few medal, too.)
Next Goal: 12k in oct
Current Status: Disgusted by Hardees' commercials
Upcoming: Run and weights or group ride
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Sprint Work
Today's goal: Sprinting
Amy and I hit the track at Spring Valley High School around 11 am in hopes of working on getting faster. It's an experiment based on what I've read about running.
We started with a mile warm up. I did a 9:30 mile pace and Amy was at a 10 min pace. I followed with a plan of 4 400 meter sprints and to finish with another mile. I ran the first three 400s at a 1:30 pace, but the last 400 was too much for me. I hit the wall, and stopped after only 200 m. Amy did not run 400s but was doing 200s and I was using her to pace me. The last 400, she was ahead of me on her 200 and I tried catching up, and lost it.
The sprint work was not fun. I enjoy jogging, but now realize that I hate sprinting. It was all hard work. I did not finish with a mile at the end. The track was hot. Choosing to run in the middle of the day was not the best idea.
Hopefully, doing this a few more time will help me in the longer runs, so I can reach my goals in the 5k.
Next Goal: 12k in October
Current Status: Sore left big toe again! Left shoulder is also strained.
Upcoming: Rest
Friday, August 8, 2008
Medium Road Ride & Family Ride
I cancelled plans for the group ride tonight, and rode solo around Northeast Columbia. I headed from my house out to Kershaw County and back by way of Lake Carolina and Summit.
Again, I feel like all I did was climb hills all day. I do not recall much of any straight aways other than a few sections. It was just hill after hill after hill. My quads were loaded up, and I could feel plenty of lactic acid building up. The only real straight section I recall was the commuter lane around Sandhills Shopping Center. I hit 20 plus out one way, and 18 mph the other.
So, my average speed is not that great, but I did have some power when I wanted it. If nothing else, I've had some nice hill work the past two days. The overall ride was pretty lame, nothing spectacular to report.
I came home, showered and then decided to ride up to the Sandhills to watch a band and eat dinner. So, one more ride. This time, Amy and I rode with the boys in the trailer and took some back roads by way of the Clemson Extension Agency. Again, I had one very big hill to top, and with the boys in tow, my knees started to feel the work over the course of the day. I took it very slow up and back, but had a great time tonight. The band was great. Dinner was good (Service was slooow), and we had some Italian Ices and rode home in the setting sun. Pretty nice night.
Miles: 23.59 miles (Plus more from the dinner trip!)
Avg. Speed: 16.23 mph
Max Speed: 32.73
Next Goal: 12k in October
Current Status: Sore Knees & Tight Quads
Upcoming: Weights and Sprint Work
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bike to Y for Swim
With a break in the heat (kinda) I decided to ride up to the Y and back with a break for a nice swim at the pool. Heading up was about 4.5 miles from my house, and once I got to the Y, I showered the sweat off and hit the pool. I swam a ladder of 50, 100, 200, 200, 100, 50. It was a nice pace, and I am starting find a nice form in the pool again after such a long layoff. I did not time anything, but after another week or so I will swim a 1,000m with time to see if I'm faster in the pool than in June and July.
I rode home a different way cutting through Lake Carolina and Summit. I never knew there was a cut through until recently, so I wanted to see what is was like heading home that way. It was much longer and hillier, and it hurt my average speed. I was not as fast on the bike as I was back in June. I have not been on the road as much lately, and I think It showed. I want my average speed over 18 mph, and would like to be able to hit 20 mph as average for a 15 mile ride.
Swim: 700m
Bike 14.31 miles
Time: 54:01
Avg Speed: 15.90 mph
Max Speed: 31.20 mph
Next Goal: 12k in October
Current Status: Wheezy (I have had to use the inhaler. August Air Quality SUCKS!)
Upcoming: Big Easy Ride at Lake Carolina
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New Ground in Running
Today, I ended up running on the treadmill at the Y. With the heat, I just don't have the nerve to try much outdoors in the middle of the day. Also, I did not want to run late at night either. I have decided to focus on getting ready for a 12k in October. This will be the longest race yet for me, and I decided to see how I would do on a hour long run today.
I started out slow with 11 minute and 10 1/2 minute mile pace to see how my body was doing. I did not feel great at the start. I was not motivated and seemed to have trouble getting going. But, by the 30 minute mark, my legs loosened up and I pushed a 10 minute mile pace. I find it weird, but it was like my body took 30 minutes to warm up! At this point, I cruised the rest of the way through the run until the last 10 minutes. I love running in the zone. I felt like no one else was in the Y. Actually, I was! Literally, everyone had left the health and fitness area. Strange.
On a side note, I discover the treadmills at the Y cut your run off at the 50 minute mark. I guess this is so people like me don't hog them. Anyways, I hit the reset but and finished my last 10 minutes. This was hard, since my legs had stopped! And, they seemed to like it that way. Well, I forced the to go one more 10 minute mile.
The run felt great. I feel like I have been running pain free for a month now, and I am ready to push to a new level. I have no shin pain, and my knees are good. My feet were a bit sore, but that's not a big deal. I just rest a day and then they are good to go. I will try out some speed work on a track next time out for a run. I have not seen myself progress much lately, so I want to investigate with running sprints and see if I can lower my mile pace over the next month or so.
This was the longest and furthest I have ever run. I made it over 5.75 miles in the hour run, and I could have pushed harder. I only ran at about 75 percent.
Time: 1 hour
Distance: 5.75 miles
Avg HR 144 bpm
Max HR: 153 bpm
Cals: 761
Next Goal: 12K in October
Current Status: Best day of the week
Upcoming: swim and bike
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Swimming Beats Anything in This Heat
I am still not sure why, but I continue to not feel great. I planned to bike and swim, but forgot I had a neighborhood National Night Out Thing tonight, so I only swam today. I put in about 1000 meters of solid work, and felt fairly good. Much better than yesterday, anyways. I did not time it, or wear a HR band, so I have no real stats. Going Ol' School still has its charm. My arms, shoulders and chest are a bit sore a tight tonight. That's to be expected after not swimming for so long.
Also, tonight a group from the neighborhood got out and walked for the National Night Out. It was very hot, and we debated not going. I felt that we had to do it. I ended up carry my oldest, Bobby, the whole dang way, so now I'm counting the walk as some cardio for the day.
Next Goal: 12 K in October
Current Status: Sore Upper Body
Upcoming: Undecided :(
Monday, August 4, 2008
Worst Workout Ever!
Felt horrible all day. I was lazy getting up, and did nothing at all today. By the time I got to the Y I had a headache and just felt bad all over. I did some weight training to try and get things going, and felt worse. I rode a trainer for 30 minutes to see if that would clear my head and get me going, and I still felt awful. My knees hurt, and I barely got my HR up to 130. I was very slow and had no motivation. After the bike I almost gave up a 20 minute run I had planned to throw in, but forced myself to do it. I did manage to get through the run at a 9 1/2 minute pace, so that wasn't completely worthless.
In all, this was by far the least enjoyable training I have done to date. I'm not sure if it was the sloth-like morning I had, or if I'm still feeling the heat from the 5k on Saturday. Hopefully things will get better tomorrow.
Bike Distance: 8 miles (Ouch!!)
Run Distance: 2.3 miles
Bike Time: 30 minutes
Run Time: 20 minutes
Avg HR: 132 bpm
Max HR: 151 bpm
Cals: 563
Next Goal: 12k or 5k under 26
Current Status: Beat by the Heat
Upcoming: Swim and Bike
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Hot August Night Race Results
The official results have not been posted yet, so I will have to update more later, but I can report that I did not run under 26 minutes. Yet, I did make it in under 27 minutes, which is a new personal record.
Update: Official Results
Time: 26:55
Pace: 8:40
Overall: 191/395
Men: 148/232
Age Group: 14/30

The race was hot, and I know that I faded the last mile. I tried to kick the last 1/2 mile and get in under 26 minutes, but I just did not have it in me. I know I ran all out. My heart rate was over 170 the last 2 miles of the race, which is red line for me! I ran a total of 27 seconds in my training zone, according to settings of my watch, and the rest was over the line.
The first mile I paced with an older guy that had a stride like mine. Actually, he pulled me out of the comfort zone and I ran the first mile in about 8 minutes. This got my hopes up. But, the second mile was hillier, and I know I slowed down to about a 9 minute mile pace. The old guy I was using as a pace setter took off, and I lost some focus. Some folks zipped by me at this point, which made me wonder why the heck they were behind me in the first place. If you can sprint by someone in the second mile in a 5k then you should not be behind them in the first place. I noticed some runners pulling up and walking at this point. My personal favorite was passing about 3 kids from the Ridge View HIgh School Cross Country Team that sprinted away with the leaders of the race. I never saw them again, and I hope they were okay, but they really planned on winning the race and paid the big price for it!
The third mile came and I noticed I needed another 8 minute mile to make my goal. I pushed as hard as I could, and passed some guys I had been behind the 2nd mile. I even caught the original old guy that lead me out the first mile. He hit the wall and barely seemed to be moving. The last mile seemed to stretch forever, and when I made the home stretch I had top gear in place and was hoping to hold on till the last meter in absolute sprint. I noticed the time above the finish line click past 26 minutes and I was still a ways away. I lost motivation and dropped back. I was sucking wind anyways, and would not have been able to sprint to the end unless I knew it meant making my goal. I ended up with a time like 26:40 or 50 something.
This was still and improvement, so I'm not really bummed at all, especially given the somewhat hilly course and high temp. I plan to focus with sprinting more, so I can develop a kick that pushes me into the 7 or 8 minute mile group. Some of the runners seemed to have a gear I just do not have. I had fun and it was nice running through Shandon. Lots of folks lined the road and cheered people on. People had sprinklers aimed at the street, and it was a unique atmosphere to have people around the whole race site. My parents and Amy came to race. My mom, as always, screamed for me. She does not care how many people are ahead of me, and I must admit I like hearing her.
Here are some pics courtesy of my sweet wife, Amy:

Running the last stretch head down is a bad sign! My heart rate was about 180 here.

Getting passed by some guy, who ran like Forrest Gump, I swear! He about collapsed at the finish line and was 2 seconds ahead. Yeah for him! I must say I have much better form even if I was slower.

Cooling off after the race. My shoe was off so I could turn my chip in!
Unofficial Time: 26:40
Avg HR: 170
Max HR: 182
Cals: 471
Next Goal: Run a 12k or a 5k under 26
Current Status: Whipped
Upcoming: Road Ride??
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hot Harbison Ride
I was planning to ride early, but laziness held back, and I did not make it to the trails until later this afternoon around 1pm. I was in a hurry to get back home so I was only going to get one loop of the midlands trail in before having to get back towards northeast. Luckily, too, it was so hot I could not have ridden much more without completely burning up, and with a race tomorrow that is probably not a good idea.
I rode the loop okay. Not as fast as I want, but I have not ridden in the heat much, and its been over a week since I rode Harbison. I felt good on some of the technical sections, but the hills killed me today. I even had to walk the last several yards of the big midlands mountail climb by the bluffs.
My heart rate was high the whole ride, and I was breathing very hard on the tough parts even though I was not trying to push hard today. Most likely due to the heat. I was amazed how much the temperature bothered me. Heading home, I saw another biker getting ready to head out (The only other car in the lot!), and told him good luck with the heat. His reply was, "It's no big deal. You just have to get used to it."
I have no idea how you get used to 100+ heat. I think he's full of BS.
Distance: 9.2 miles
Time: 56:52
Avg. Speed: 9.71 mph
Max Speed: 19.18 mph
Avg HR: 150 bpm
Max HR: 167 bpm
Next Goal: Hot August Night 5k under 26 minutes
Current Status: HOT
Upcoming: Race Day
Thursday, July 31, 2008
July's Training Totals
With a week in the mountains and time at the beach, I knew I was not as focused this month. Still, I'm very happy to remain consistent with my training. I want to avoid going heavy and then dropping off totally. With school starting back in August I hope I can keep the stats in the same range.
Here are the totals for July:
Swimming: 4550.00 Yd - 2h 47m 12s
Biking: 157.16 Mi - 10h 39m 07s
Running: 26.00 Mi - 4h 15m 42s
Biking: 157.16 Mi - 10h 39m 07s
Running: 26.00 Mi - 4h 15m 42s
5o more yards of swimming
14 miles less of biking
6 miles less of running
Spin Class & 5K Oops
I wanted to ride something somewhere, so I ended up with the spin class tonight. I had a great ride. Amy joined in, and hat was nice. I kept my HR around 140 with a high in the 160s. I planned to swim some as well, but storms closed the pool.
But, the big news was I messed up the date on my 5k. What I thought was a race next week is actually this Saturday night. So, I will be racing Saturday! I doubt I will make my goal of 26 minutes, but I'm giving it a shot.
Next Goal: Hot August Night under 26 minutes on Saturday
Current Status: Buzzed on Home Brew
Upcoming: Ride Harbison in the AM before the heat.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
4 Miles Under 40 Minutes
The Oconee trip did not include any runs or rides as I had planned. It was not easy getting away from the campgrounds, and leaving Amy alone on vacation would have been plain rude.
So, tonight was my first real workout in a week. I ended up running 4 miles in about 38 minutes. It felt good to know I had not completely fallen out of training mode from a week off. I did have a hard time getting in the mood to train though. I was going to ride this morning (slept in, and I was going to ride this pm (cancelled due to rain).
4 miles
9 1/2 minute pace
38 minutes
150 ish bpm avg
Next Goal: Hot August Night 5k under 26 minutes
Current Status: Glad to be back in the habit
Upcoming: Ride somewhere on something
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Oconee Trip
Amy, The Boys and I will soon be heading to Oconee State Park for a camping trip. I will br bringing the S-Caliber to ride some of the trails up in the area. I believe Isaqueena (sp?) is in the area. Does anyone know what it's like. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
5K Prep Run
Thinking about the Hot August Night 5K coming up in August, I decided to try and run 3 miles at a 8 1/2 minute pace to see how I'm doing on my next goal. I want to run under 26 minutes in my next race, and I want to see how I've advanced. With the oppressive heat, I opted to run in the Y as well. A nice advantage, but I wanted to see just how fast I could go without worrying about overheating.
The good news is that tonight's run was my fastest 5K yet, by my timing.
The bad news is that I still have about 1 minute to shave off to make my goal.
Tonight's run was just under 27 minutes for 3.1 miles of running. I ran the first mile at 8 1/2 minutes, but the next two I ended up dropping off to a 9 minute pace and back up to 8 1/2 minute pace. Making the move to a 8 1/2 minute mile is like a wall for me. I have little trouble running 9 minute miles at a 4 or 5 mile run, but making the quicker pace is difficult to hold over the 5K distance.
I have a little time left to focus on running faster, so we'll see about making my next goal. This will be a good challenge, and I don't want to change it.
The good news is that tonight's run was my fastest 5K yet, by my timing.
The bad news is that I still have about 1 minute to shave off to make my goal.
Tonight's run was just under 27 minutes for 3.1 miles of running. I ran the first mile at 8 1/2 minutes, but the next two I ended up dropping off to a 9 minute pace and back up to 8 1/2 minute pace. Making the move to a 8 1/2 minute mile is like a wall for me. I have little trouble running 9 minute miles at a 4 or 5 mile run, but making the quicker pace is difficult to hold over the 5K distance.
I have a little time left to focus on running faster, so we'll see about making my next goal. This will be a good challenge, and I don't want to change it.
Beach Trip Update
Got back from Surfside yesterday. I have not updated the blog lately, since internet is sketchy at the beach. Wireless interent at grandma's house is off a borrowed (pirated) signal from the neighbors house, so it's not always available.
Anyway, I was only able to fit in 2 workouts between dodging Tropical Depression rain bands, and beach fun. One run and one bike during the extended weekend.
The run was a 3.5 mile out and back along ocean drive with Amy and her sister Becky. The pace was mild for the first part, but when Amy and Becky turned back early, I decided to play catch-up and see if I could run the down even though the had a 1/2 mile head start. I ran at top speed for the last section. They never got in sight, however, I did find them after my run as they came off the beach. I was not too far behind. Only a minute or so.
The bike was 27 miles round trip around ocean drive from one end of Surfside to Garden City and back a few times. I had trouble with my knee the first 15 miles, and thought about stopping the ride, however, when I stopped for water at Surfside Pier, I stretched the knee out and it felt loads better the rest of the ride. I average only 17 mph the first part of the ride, but after the knee thing worked itself out, I was around 20 mph the rest of the ride. The ride was pretty basic, however, I did almost get slammed by a golf carting family. The cart was going slow and only part on the road, so I was passing on the left. As I passed, the little girl swerved for a left had turn without signalling, and I had to veer into oncoming traffic to avoid being run over. Thank goodness there was no one coming the other direction.
One of my biggest pet peeves is golf carts at the beach. I hate that everyone lets their kids drive the things, and they always seem to talking on cell phones, and not paying any attention to what's going on around them. It used to be only a few family's that had them, but know I see almost as many carts as cars. I wish Surfside would do something to stop it, but as usual I seem to be in the minority with my opinion in regards with what children should and should not be allowed to do.
Anyway, I was only able to fit in 2 workouts between dodging Tropical Depression rain bands, and beach fun. One run and one bike during the extended weekend.
The run was a 3.5 mile out and back along ocean drive with Amy and her sister Becky. The pace was mild for the first part, but when Amy and Becky turned back early, I decided to play catch-up and see if I could run the down even though the had a 1/2 mile head start. I ran at top speed for the last section. They never got in sight, however, I did find them after my run as they came off the beach. I was not too far behind. Only a minute or so.
The bike was 27 miles round trip around ocean drive from one end of Surfside to Garden City and back a few times. I had trouble with my knee the first 15 miles, and thought about stopping the ride, however, when I stopped for water at Surfside Pier, I stretched the knee out and it felt loads better the rest of the ride. I average only 17 mph the first part of the ride, but after the knee thing worked itself out, I was around 20 mph the rest of the ride. The ride was pretty basic, however, I did almost get slammed by a golf carting family. The cart was going slow and only part on the road, so I was passing on the left. As I passed, the little girl swerved for a left had turn without signalling, and I had to veer into oncoming traffic to avoid being run over. Thank goodness there was no one coming the other direction.
One of my biggest pet peeves is golf carts at the beach. I hate that everyone lets their kids drive the things, and they always seem to talking on cell phones, and not paying any attention to what's going on around them. It used to be only a few family's that had them, but know I see almost as many carts as cars. I wish Surfside would do something to stop it, but as usual I seem to be in the minority with my opinion in regards with what children should and should not be allowed to do.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Big Day - Harbison Distance Record
Started the day with weight training, and a swim at the Y. Weight training went well, and I put some time in on the rowing machine, which I have not used lately. It's great for just about every muscle group, and I need to use it more often. Did the usual weights, and swam about 500m in different sets. I focused on form, and was very happy with my progress. I was swimming with weight free hands and was able to focus more on breathing to both sides. I swam a few sets of 100s and the rest 50s and 25s.
This afternoon I made it over to Harbison around 3pm for a ride. It's been awhile since I've really had a chance to ride it, and since the last few times with the Harrell's Group, I've wimped out after just doing Lost Creek, I made sure to put in more miles. I wanted to do 15 miles with Lost Creek and the Loop around Midlands Mountain without Spider Woman.
I saw the new section on Firebreak that Jim blogged about. I agree it looks well banked and planned. It will be fast when the trail settles in. I was tentative on the loose dusty surface. I liked the design. Very much like FATS in my opinion.
Starting off on Lost Creek, I had a great ride. I was averaging about 9.5 mph, and had hopes of doing 10. I saw some neat wildlife (Deer, Rabbits & a Squirrel even jumped right over my front tire), and felt good. About 1/2 way in a rested a bit, and the rest of the ride back doing the loop clockwise was much tougher and technical. I slowed down, and lost my legs on a hill and ended up walking to the crest. My riding technique is not great, and it always shows on the LC. I bounced over roots, and could not hold speed. My back started tightening up, and I started to feel beat up and spit out by the trail. The average speed dropped down to 9 mph by the end of the trail. I did make it through the up & Down Switchbacks at the end without much trouble (Great or ME!!), but bailed on the dry creek bed that has that teeny little channel to guide the front tire through. Man, that section is getting tough, since the tire sized channel is getting so deep. I needed to have more speed, and hop the tire over that part, but lacked the nerve and skill.
As its been lately, I felt like cruising back to the parking lot, but I forced myself to stay out. I rested at the edge of LC and took in some Gu, and fluids. I watched jealously as a few other riders zoomed past. Man, I have no idea how some folks speed through the trail. I must spend more time trail riding. Focusing on the Triathlon meant more road work, but the trail work demands so much more.
After the rest, I headed out to Midlands Mountain Trail. I practiced using my tall front gear more to get the speed up, but I bounced too much downhill, and rode poor lines in the curves, and backed off in tougher spots. The full suspension is a godsend, but I could stand to work more on balance to improve overall bike handling. I crested the 2 tough climbs on Midlands in granny gears sucking wind, and rested at the top of the last one by the Bluffs. Feeling the back getting really tight, I laid down on a bench and drained the rest of my Bladder Pack, wishing I had thought to mix up some Heed for the ride. I could have used it there. I enjoyed the shade for a bit, and was treated with some time watching a humming bird zip around in the forest. I thought about riding down to the river or a splash, but headed down the home stretch instead.
Making may way back on Firebreak I wanted to try and get my average up to 10 mph. I was around 9.25 at the time, and really tried to crank hard the last few miles. I did go faster. I usually ride this section well, since it's not too technical, but my quads just did not have the power, and I could only hold 14 mph for a few minutes at a time before small hills broke my cadence and downshifting dropped the speed back down.
I ended up riding more miles than I ever remember doing at Harbison - 15 exactly, but unhappily only averaged 9.5 mph. I had a great time. Just wish it was faster. Finished of the day with a splash in the pool with my boys. I must say. The weather was great, and this was on overall exceptional day filled with lots of fun.
Bike Stats:
Trail Time: 1:50:35
Bike Time: 1:35:13
Rest Time 15:20 ( I needed it, too!!)
Distance: 15 miles exactly!!
Avg. Speed: 9.45 mph
Max Speed: 18.23 mph
Avg HR: 147 bpm (Would have been higher without the rest!)
Max HR: 168 bpm
Cals: 1492
Next Goal: Hot August Night under 26 minutes
Current Status: Glad to be getting in better shape
Upcoming: Mowing the lawn, heading to the beach. Rest.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back in the Groove
After a 2 day break, today was my first training since the big race on Saturday. I made it a spn class a tad late after swimming a few extra minutes with the Boys at our neighborhood pool. The class was tough. I did not feel very powerul, but I had plenty of stamina. I don't know if it was the bike or not, but I had trouble going fast. I did better with the hills than the sprints. I may still be tight from the race though.
When I came home, Amy and I decided to run around the lake a few times, and I stuffed the Boys into the Bike Trailer and converted it to a jogging stroller. It was about their bedtime, and they already had the PJs on. Bobby fell asleep before we even made it 1/2 way around the first time. Pushing the Boys was extra hard. I could not pump my arms, and I had to shorten my stride because of the stroller's weight. Hills were tough. It was likely running, when I still weighed about 230ish 6 months ago.
It was nice doing a brick today, and I was glad Amy and I got to run together. We did a tough hill by her folks house, and cruised home. I made us power shakes, and we put the boys to bed.
Next Goal: Hot August Night 5k under 26 minutes
Current Status: Back in Training
Upcoming: Morning Swim and Weights; Afternoon ride at Harbison
When I came home, Amy and I decided to run around the lake a few times, and I stuffed the Boys into the Bike Trailer and converted it to a jogging stroller. It was about their bedtime, and they already had the PJs on. Bobby fell asleep before we even made it 1/2 way around the first time. Pushing the Boys was extra hard. I could not pump my arms, and I had to shorten my stride because of the stroller's weight. Hills were tough. It was likely running, when I still weighed about 230ish 6 months ago.
It was nice doing a brick today, and I was glad Amy and I got to run together. We did a tough hill by her folks house, and cruised home. I made us power shakes, and we put the boys to bed.
Next Goal: Hot August Night 5k under 26 minutes
Current Status: Back in Training
Upcoming: Morning Swim and Weights; Afternoon ride at Harbison
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tri the Pee Dee Race Results
Going into this race, I have been very nervous. I have been getting ready for a triathlon seriously for about 2 or 3 months, and I have only recently been comfortable with longer type swims. I headed out from the hotel at 6 am, and got to Emerald Lake to setup. I found my transition spot, and setup for stuff for the race. Then, I had about an hour to wait for Amy, the Boys, and my Folks to arrive and for the race to begin. I walked around the site, and made myself familiar with the layout.
Being in the novice group meant leaving last for the swim. It is not fun being as nervous as I was, and having to wait for everyone else to go ahead of you. I know it makes sense for the faster racers to go first, so us slow pokes don't get in their way. I'm just saying, it's not fun. The Open group of men and women were finishing their swim, as my group headed out. I must say overall my goal for the swim was to just get it over with. The water temp was fine, but I found the lake very murky. I had trouble seeing, and couldn't see my hands in front of me. I knew to expect to kicked and pushed a lot, but I was still not ready for it when it started. I tried staying out of people's way, but that did not good. Embarassingly, at one point I even swam back to shore, and ended up getting way off course. I stuck my head back in the water and headed back out to the buoys marking the path. My goggles were fogged up, and I had trouble seeing anything in the water. Eventually, as I turned back for home on the loop swim course, I developed a sort of technique for open water swimming. I found that swimming only freestyle was hard, and ended up mixing in breast stroke to sight my path better. I still swam very zig zag though. I felt like I was in the very back the whole way, and swam like hell just to get it over with and out of the water. As I came out of the swim and headed into T1, I looked at my watch, and saw I swam the course under 18 minutes. I was floored.
Transition 1
Not much to say other than it was a long way from the lake to the bike racks, and I was ragged out from the swim. I noticed my HR was over 180 (A new Max for me) and was awfullt shaky and not thinking straight. I wasted a lot of time and saw many other racers come and go. A bad sign.
Once I got on the bike, I felt more relaxed, and headed out on the dread dirt road. I followed a slower rider most of the way, and gained composure from the swim. My HR was still over 170 for the first mile. As I headed to the Highway paved portion of the ride, I took in some Gu, and dropped into high gear. Bang! My chain poppes off. I've had this bike since I was in high school, and never once has the chain come off. I tried back pedalling and adjusting the gears, but still no luck. I got off the bike to fix the thing, and for a few tense moments thoughts I was gonna have to give up, while other racers zoomed past. Eventually, the thing took hold and I was off. I held mostly 18 mph over the whole course with a few moments in 19 and 20!! I was happy with my pace, and kept thinking "Just keep pressing." I passed about 15 people on the bike, and felt good for the first time in the race. I caught all the riders that passed me and few more that were not even in my group. The ride was flat, and easy as advertised. I made this section under 53 minutes. Although my bike speed was averaged at 17.77 mph, I know if not for the dirt road, I would have been into 18+ zone.
Not as bad. Faster. Took Gu and water then off.
The run was a 3 lap loop around the lake that I swam earlier. As I headed out, I could see Amy cheering, and that got me pepped up. My legs took a bit to adjust, and I ran a medium pace the first lap. My side started to tighten up and I held back a bit to gauge the seriousness of the pain. Lap 2 was much the same as lap 1. The course was sandy with no hills. Just like running at Sesqui. As I started lap 3, the pain went away, and I pushed hard to make my 30 min goal. I felt great the last leg, and kept wondering how much I still had in the tank. The last lap Bobby and Joey surprised me with signs, too. They were cheering loudly, and I really got it going then. As lap 3 ended, I veered off to the finish line in full sprint. Some folks near the end thought it a tad strange someone in the back of the pack was running this hard, but I wanted to make my 30 minute goal. I felt it would be close, since the first 2 laps were about 10 minute miles by my watch. Ending the race, I met up with family and I felt great to be done, and share my time with them. I will always remember my boys running to hug me after the race. Especially because Joey immediately proclaimed me as too wet to touch.
Swim - 17:12 (Yipee)
T1 - 3:57 (Too Long!)
Bike - 52:32 (Good)
T2 - 1:33 (Not bad)
Run - 29:08 (Good)
Total - 1:44:21 (Yess!
Max HR - 183
Avg HR - 160
Cals: 1540
117 out of 139 Men Racing
6 out of 10 Novices Racing (The winner was in at 1H 28 Min!!!)
I have no idea where the swim time came from. I had planned a 25 minute swim, and thought that may be a tad too much. If not for the off course suff, I could have been faster. I must say the swim terrified me, and that was the motivation to swim like I did. I must channel that next time. The bike was great. I needed a section to feel good about. I'd like to be as fast as a 20 mph average mext time, but what I did today was above my training, so I'm happy. The run was good, but boring. Not much to look at, and running 3 laps was nerve racking. I kept thinking about what lap I was on, hoping my brain was still working. If I can, I'd like to lower this to 28 minutes, too! My goal was under 2 hours, and I did that by more than 15 minutes. I'm extremely happy about that. Next time I'd like to be into 1 hour 30 minute category. I'm exhausted. My stomache is still tight from the race, but I feel good otherwise. I'm taking 2 days of rest, and then I will start focusing on my next race.
Pics of the Race:
Being in the novice group meant leaving last for the swim. It is not fun being as nervous as I was, and having to wait for everyone else to go ahead of you. I know it makes sense for the faster racers to go first, so us slow pokes don't get in their way. I'm just saying, it's not fun. The Open group of men and women were finishing their swim, as my group headed out. I must say overall my goal for the swim was to just get it over with. The water temp was fine, but I found the lake very murky. I had trouble seeing, and couldn't see my hands in front of me. I knew to expect to kicked and pushed a lot, but I was still not ready for it when it started. I tried staying out of people's way, but that did not good. Embarassingly, at one point I even swam back to shore, and ended up getting way off course. I stuck my head back in the water and headed back out to the buoys marking the path. My goggles were fogged up, and I had trouble seeing anything in the water. Eventually, as I turned back for home on the loop swim course, I developed a sort of technique for open water swimming. I found that swimming only freestyle was hard, and ended up mixing in breast stroke to sight my path better. I still swam very zig zag though. I felt like I was in the very back the whole way, and swam like hell just to get it over with and out of the water. As I came out of the swim and headed into T1, I looked at my watch, and saw I swam the course under 18 minutes. I was floored.
Transition 1
Not much to say other than it was a long way from the lake to the bike racks, and I was ragged out from the swim. I noticed my HR was over 180 (A new Max for me) and was awfullt shaky and not thinking straight. I wasted a lot of time and saw many other racers come and go. A bad sign.
Once I got on the bike, I felt more relaxed, and headed out on the dread dirt road. I followed a slower rider most of the way, and gained composure from the swim. My HR was still over 170 for the first mile. As I headed to the Highway paved portion of the ride, I took in some Gu, and dropped into high gear. Bang! My chain poppes off. I've had this bike since I was in high school, and never once has the chain come off. I tried back pedalling and adjusting the gears, but still no luck. I got off the bike to fix the thing, and for a few tense moments thoughts I was gonna have to give up, while other racers zoomed past. Eventually, the thing took hold and I was off. I held mostly 18 mph over the whole course with a few moments in 19 and 20!! I was happy with my pace, and kept thinking "Just keep pressing." I passed about 15 people on the bike, and felt good for the first time in the race. I caught all the riders that passed me and few more that were not even in my group. The ride was flat, and easy as advertised. I made this section under 53 minutes. Although my bike speed was averaged at 17.77 mph, I know if not for the dirt road, I would have been into 18+ zone.
Not as bad. Faster. Took Gu and water then off.
The run was a 3 lap loop around the lake that I swam earlier. As I headed out, I could see Amy cheering, and that got me pepped up. My legs took a bit to adjust, and I ran a medium pace the first lap. My side started to tighten up and I held back a bit to gauge the seriousness of the pain. Lap 2 was much the same as lap 1. The course was sandy with no hills. Just like running at Sesqui. As I started lap 3, the pain went away, and I pushed hard to make my 30 min goal. I felt great the last leg, and kept wondering how much I still had in the tank. The last lap Bobby and Joey surprised me with signs, too. They were cheering loudly, and I really got it going then. As lap 3 ended, I veered off to the finish line in full sprint. Some folks near the end thought it a tad strange someone in the back of the pack was running this hard, but I wanted to make my 30 minute goal. I felt it would be close, since the first 2 laps were about 10 minute miles by my watch. Ending the race, I met up with family and I felt great to be done, and share my time with them. I will always remember my boys running to hug me after the race. Especially because Joey immediately proclaimed me as too wet to touch.
Swim - 17:12 (Yipee)
T1 - 3:57 (Too Long!)
Bike - 52:32 (Good)
T2 - 1:33 (Not bad)
Run - 29:08 (Good)
Total - 1:44:21 (Yess!
Max HR - 183
Avg HR - 160
Cals: 1540
117 out of 139 Men Racing
6 out of 10 Novices Racing (The winner was in at 1H 28 Min!!!)
I have no idea where the swim time came from. I had planned a 25 minute swim, and thought that may be a tad too much. If not for the off course suff, I could have been faster. I must say the swim terrified me, and that was the motivation to swim like I did. I must channel that next time. The bike was great. I needed a section to feel good about. I'd like to be as fast as a 20 mph average mext time, but what I did today was above my training, so I'm happy. The run was good, but boring. Not much to look at, and running 3 laps was nerve racking. I kept thinking about what lap I was on, hoping my brain was still working. If I can, I'd like to lower this to 28 minutes, too! My goal was under 2 hours, and I did that by more than 15 minutes. I'm extremely happy about that. Next time I'd like to be into 1 hour 30 minute category. I'm exhausted. My stomache is still tight from the race, but I feel good otherwise. I'm taking 2 days of rest, and then I will start focusing on my next race.
Pics of the Race:
Friday, July 11, 2008
Last Chance Workout
Today was my final workout before heading to Florence for my first Triathlon. I rode about 25 minutes and covered a tad less than 7 miles. I thought getting on the bike today would be a godd last minute check that the bike is in working order. Everything was okay.
I wanted to keep it light and averaged less than 15 mph. It was hard not pushing for more speed. It killed me to see such a low average speed, but I keep telling myself that I'll have the power tomorrow. I rode out and back to my house down Bookman Road. I thought it'd be a flat course, but when I headed down Cherokee Lane it got extremely hilly. I ended up with more of a hill climb than cruise day.
I'm getting packed up, making sure I have everything I need. Thank goodness I have a checklist from a book I've been reading, otherwise I'd likely freak out about whether or not I have what I need. I have a race meeting tonight at 5 and I want to get my race packet as well later. The race starts at 7:30 and I plan to be there by 6:30. If all goes well I should wrap this thing up tomorrow by about 10:00. My group leaves last so I will likely hit the water by 8:00 if everything goes as planned.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee Tomorrow under 2 hours
Current Status: Hoping the smooothie I made is not poisoning me. (Wierd Taste??)
Upcoming: RACE DAY
I wanted to keep it light and averaged less than 15 mph. It was hard not pushing for more speed. It killed me to see such a low average speed, but I keep telling myself that I'll have the power tomorrow. I rode out and back to my house down Bookman Road. I thought it'd be a flat course, but when I headed down Cherokee Lane it got extremely hilly. I ended up with more of a hill climb than cruise day.
I'm getting packed up, making sure I have everything I need. Thank goodness I have a checklist from a book I've been reading, otherwise I'd likely freak out about whether or not I have what I need. I have a race meeting tonight at 5 and I want to get my race packet as well later. The race starts at 7:30 and I plan to be there by 6:30. If all goes well I should wrap this thing up tomorrow by about 10:00. My group leaves last so I will likely hit the water by 8:00 if everything goes as planned.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee Tomorrow under 2 hours
Current Status: Hoping the smooothie I made is not poisoning me. (Wierd Taste??)
Upcoming: RACE DAY
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Light Run Day
Went to the Y this morning for a loght run, but for some strange reason my left toe was killing me. I decided to run on an elliptical machine instead. I did not want to aggravate the toe any more with the race two days away.
I'm not sure what I did or what is wrong with it, but I hope it heals fast and is ok by Saturday Morning.
Tomorrow I will take a quick ride in the morning and check that the bike is ready to go before heading out to check in for the race in Florence.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Light Swim Day
Went to the Y this morning, and did my light swim. This was my last day in the pool before the Tri on Saturday, and I wanted to take it easy and feel confident about form.
Mission Accomplished. I swam a 100 warm up and cool down, and just worked on Zipper Drills, and light hands, keeping my body balanced. I felt great in the water, and really focused in on swimming ahead rather than underneath to keep my body from sinking low in the water.
I swam a total of about 25 minutes. Although I will not know for sure until the day comes, I feel pretty good about taking on an open water swim in the Triathlon.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee on Saturday under 2 hours
Current Status: Confiden swimmer?!
Upcoming: Short/ fast run
Monday, July 7, 2008
Light Bike Day
Very light bike ride today. I kept the pace low and only spun for about 30 min at the Y. I did about 7 miles.
Sill feeling the affects of the big workout from yesterday. My stomach has not felt great.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee
Current Status: Recovering
Upcoming: Light Swim
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Triathlon Trial Day
Finally fit in a full test run of the triathlon distances for next Saturday Morning. I have not rehearsed the transitions yet, since that is kinda hard to do at the Y. I will do that sometime this week.
Starting the swim was not easy, since the pool was full today. Luckily someone left and I moved to an open lane. I swam 1,000m just under 25 minutes, which is my informal goal. I felt good, and did not try to push it at all. I swam easy, and looked for ways to coast through strokes as much as possible. I felt my form was better at the end than at the beginning. Leaving the pool, I took some Heed swigs and a Gu pack while changing for the bike and run upstairs.
Once I got in the Wellness Center, I found a bike and started off at a 16 mph pace. I set the trainer on cross country mode, which includes several medium to hard climbs. I focused on keeping my speed above 16 mph for the whole hour. I did not have much fun on the bike portion today. I felt slow, and my left knee was sore some of the ride. I took about 57 minutes to complete 16 miles, which was just under my 1 hour goal for the bike.
Quickly, I washed down my sweat laden bike and moved to a treadmill. I started at a 10 minute mile pace, and quickly realized running the 5k under 30 minutes would be hard. I drank a Heed bottle on the bike, and only had 1/2 a Heed bottle left from the pool transition. I felt tight starting the run. Jason was right my hips took about 2 minutes to loosen up from the ride. After the first mile, I ran a 9 minute pace for the second. By the end of the second mile, my body started shutting down. I ran out of water, and wished I had brought more Gu. A second Gu before starting the run would have been nice. I backed down to a 10 minute pace and finished the 5K at exactly 30 minutes.
Overall, I was happy to complete the trial in all the goals I have set for next week. I feel good about going into next Saturday, and will scale way back on my training this week. Nothing over 30 minutes, and I will keep the intensity light. My body was not used to the length of workout, and I felt my energy falling away the last 10 minutes of the trial today. Plus, I feel that my test run indoors will be easier than open water swim, and outdoor run and bike next week.
About 2 hours after the trial run today, I felt a complete drop in energy. I have eaten plenty and drank a bunch, but still I feel very worn down and lethargic. I guess that's usual for such a taxing training session, but I was not planning on feeling this drained. Also, my face is chapped from the constant wiping I did with a towel on the bike and run to keep the sweat off my face. I had not even thought about that. My face is awfully red and sore tonight.
My left knee only hurt for about 20 minutes on the bike leg. It went away near the end of the ride, and did not hurt at all on the run. My left calf felt great on the run, too. It was a tad sore for the first mile, but went away completely after that. My shoulder did not hurt in the swim either. My body seems good to go for next week, once I gain my energy back. No lagging injuries to worry about seems good news.
Bike Stats:
Time: 57 min.
Distance: 16 miles
Avg Speed: 16.84 mph
Run Stats:
Time: 30 min.
Distance: 3.1 miles
Pace: 9.68 min/mile
Total Bike/Run HR Data
Avg. HR: 138
Max HR: 155
Cals: 1091
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: Whipped!
Upcoming: Very light 20 minutes workout
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Changing Plans
I had hoped to do a brick on Friday. Cancelled due to a Zoo Trip.
I had planned to ride a bunch at Harbison this morning. Cut short. I brought a friend who is new to cycling, and he did not make it very far. I felt bad. I was trying to go slow, and be a gracious host. As I heard more and more obscenities fly through the trail, I knew he was not having fun. We turned around after only a few miles on Firebreak. I think he believes I was trying to kill him.
I did get some good biking in this afternoon. A package of new stuff I ordered for the Triathlon arrived, and I wanted to test it out. So, I spun around the sandy trails that dot the landscape of the Sandhill's Research Center by my house. I had to be creative to make it interesting. I looked for new trails, and did a lot of doubling up on my favorite sections. My new equipment worked great. I got new shorts specific for Triathlons, and riding glasses. Also, I tried out some Gu, and was not totally grossed out by the Vanilla flavor.
The last half the ride, I tried using my tallest front gear more for power, and I built more speed than usual. I went from averaging 10 mph in sections to 13 or 14 mph. Big difference and I did not feel much more strain either. I need to try using the big gears on my bike more. I tend to hold back in the middle range, and forget the advantage of owning a 27 speed.
Still wish I had been able to ride more at Harbison. I miss fun trails. Sesqui and Sandhills just don't cut it.
Ride Time: 1:09:03
Distance: 11.54 miles
Average Speed: 10.04 mph
Max Speed: 24.66 mph
Avg HR: 138 bpm
Max HR: 158 bpm
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: Missing Harbison
Upcoming: Tri Test Run (For sure this time!!)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Spin Class Special
Made it to my spin class tonight. I had hoped to bring Amy as well, but after Bobby freaked out in the KidWatch Room (See her blog for the story), I ended up going solo. Tonight, Wendy, who is an armed forces vet, and whose husband is currently in the Air Force, had a special July 4th Tribute to those who have and are serving our country.
It ended up being a great change of pace, and her song selections were great. We started with the theme from Iron Eagles (remember that movie!!) by Queen, and it really got me excited. I mean I loved that movie. I always secretly wished my Dad would get kidnapped by Arabs, so I could borrow an F-15 with armed warheads, and rescue him, too. I'm downloading that song tonight!!
Other songs included the theme from Top Gun, Born in the USA, and a teary "I'm Already There" military tribute with overdubs of voice messages for troops stationed in Iraq. And, of course, we ended with "I'm Proud to be an American." Wendy thought it was a cheesy idea, but I really got into it, and I loved the songs anyways.
I pushed hard tonight, and gave the Heed another try. I only used half the dose as last night, and still I'm not sure about using it. It just tastes weird, and I feel a bit edgy. Plus, I don't feel any advantage over plain water. I have some gel packs that I will test out tomorrow instead. The Y is closed on the 4th (I forgot), so I have changed plans and will bike and run Sesqui instead. Amy may even come along for the fun.
Time: 47:58
Zone: 44:32
Avg HR: 138
Max HR: 160
Cals: 577
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: Patriotic
Upcoming: Sesqui Brick
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I Have This Thing About Locker Rooms ** By Request **
I have this thing about gym locker rooms. It's the old guys. It's the old guys that just hang around naked - ALL DAY!
When I was first out of college, I joined an athletic club for the first time. The day I toured the club before I joined, I noticed a group of naked men in the locker room. They were in the whirl pool, in the steam room, in the hot tubs, sitting at card tables playing poker. And, yes they were all naked. After I joined, I swear the same old naked guys were in the locker room everyday. They never left, and I never once saw them working out. They would come in each day, get naked, and hang around the gym locker room. It creeped me out so bad, that I stopped using the locker room, and would change and shower at home instead. Which, I guess is what they wanted.
Well, anyway, When Amy and I joined the new Y, my immediate concern was when the ugly old naked guys would move in. That was this week.
Everyday, the same Ugly Naked Guy has been haunting the locker room. He sits on the stools and benches naked with his bare ass grinding away. Everday, he walks around naked, doing nothing!
What makes this worse, is that he's a naked talker. He constantly engages complete strangers in conversation. Yesterday, he cornered another Y-goer in the back stretch of lockers in a conversation about putting shirts on after a shower.
"How did you do that?," Ugly Naked Guy questionned. The poor guy had nowhere to go. The exit was blocked.
"When I put mine on, it always stick right there," he added turning, stretching to point to a spot in the middle of his back. You know... The spot you can't reach. And, of course, as Ugly Naked Guy demonstrated, the scene only worsened.
Today, I was assaulted by Ugly Naked Guy. As I changed into my Speedo for my swim, he bolted out the door of the sauna, sack swaying, and breathless. In a manner much unlike his age and body suggested, he blocked my exit from locker room, and in one swift motion grabbed the top of my skin tight suit, pulled back, and asked "Where did you get that thing? I've been wanting one just like it."
I was speechless. First, I was mere inches from being exposed by a complete stranger. You just dont go around grabbing people's bathing suits. Do you?? Second, I had no idea he was even around. I though the caost was clear. Lastly, I was frightened by the possibility of seeing him in a Speedo, too!
To make a long story short, Why is it that every locker room is over run by hordes of naked old guys with nothing better to do, than hang around naked?
Really, something must be done.
When I was first out of college, I joined an athletic club for the first time. The day I toured the club before I joined, I noticed a group of naked men in the locker room. They were in the whirl pool, in the steam room, in the hot tubs, sitting at card tables playing poker. And, yes they were all naked. After I joined, I swear the same old naked guys were in the locker room everyday. They never left, and I never once saw them working out. They would come in each day, get naked, and hang around the gym locker room. It creeped me out so bad, that I stopped using the locker room, and would change and shower at home instead. Which, I guess is what they wanted.
Well, anyway, When Amy and I joined the new Y, my immediate concern was when the ugly old naked guys would move in. That was this week.
Everyday, the same Ugly Naked Guy has been haunting the locker room. He sits on the stools and benches naked with his bare ass grinding away. Everday, he walks around naked, doing nothing!
What makes this worse, is that he's a naked talker. He constantly engages complete strangers in conversation. Yesterday, he cornered another Y-goer in the back stretch of lockers in a conversation about putting shirts on after a shower.
"How did you do that?," Ugly Naked Guy questionned. The poor guy had nowhere to go. The exit was blocked.
"When I put mine on, it always stick right there," he added turning, stretching to point to a spot in the middle of his back. You know... The spot you can't reach. And, of course, as Ugly Naked Guy demonstrated, the scene only worsened.
Today, I was assaulted by Ugly Naked Guy. As I changed into my Speedo for my swim, he bolted out the door of the sauna, sack swaying, and breathless. In a manner much unlike his age and body suggested, he blocked my exit from locker room, and in one swift motion grabbed the top of my skin tight suit, pulled back, and asked "Where did you get that thing? I've been wanting one just like it."
I was speechless. First, I was mere inches from being exposed by a complete stranger. You just dont go around grabbing people's bathing suits. Do you?? Second, I had no idea he was even around. I though the caost was clear. Lastly, I was frightened by the possibility of seeing him in a Speedo, too!
To make a long story short, Why is it that every locker room is over run by hordes of naked old guys with nothing better to do, than hang around naked?
Really, something must be done.
Morning Swim/ Afternoon Bike Ride
Swam a the Y this AM. I spent about 45 min. in the pool. I started with drills as usual to work on form. Today was a lot of practicing turning and breathing. In all I swam about 1200m. I even did two sets of 500m free swims. I actually tried to swim them slow, so I could watch if I was bobbing down too much. Felt great in the pool. I'm starting to feel more relaxed.
This afternoon I rode with a group from Summitt Cycles. One of the owners talked me into it yesterday when I came in to size my road bike up. I did not feel comfortable when I rode at the beach. I ended up getting a new seat, raising the seat about 1 inch, and rotated the handle bars down a tad. I felt much better in the saddle. Also, I picked up some hanner gel, heed mix, and water bottles for the race.
The group left out and basically looped from two notch out past Lake Carolina through Summit. We ended up in Kershaw and headed around the new Y and back. It was a 20 mile ride, and I enjoyed it a lot. I did not have trouble keeping up, and in fact ended up passing people who just could not hold a pace up any hills. I like to hang back and just watch the others ride and stay out of the way, but several times, I just had to climb. My mountain biking work really paid off on the hills. Most the roadies would click-click-click down shifting all the way up a climb, and I never felt the need on my trusty blue steel 12 speed.
Met some Tri Guys on the ride. They were nice and wished me luck next week. They had the light tri bikes with aerobars, and zoomed downhill. Man, those things make a big difference. They went dead leg down hill, and passed people spinning full out.
Tried Heed for the first time. Not sure about it. Sticky, sugary? Not sure it made any difference. I will try mixing a half scoop instead next time and bring a bottle of just water. I got the flavorless kind, but being so sweet maybe the orange would have been better? I felt kinda jacked up getting off the bike, and my body seems just a tad strange. Not sure about the Heed.
The bike changes seemed to help a lot with power tonight. I felt great climbing the hills, and could have pushed much harder.
Bike Stats:
Time: 1:11:35
Distance: 20.10 mi.
Avg Speed: 16.85 mph
Max Speed: 38:16 mph (Lake Carolina Hills are fast!!!)
Avg HR: 144 bpm
Max HR: 166 bpm
Cals.: 909
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: Sore Right Shoulder; good otherwise
Upcoming: Light Day Spin Class only (Friday will be a full Tri Trial)
This afternoon I rode with a group from Summitt Cycles. One of the owners talked me into it yesterday when I came in to size my road bike up. I did not feel comfortable when I rode at the beach. I ended up getting a new seat, raising the seat about 1 inch, and rotated the handle bars down a tad. I felt much better in the saddle. Also, I picked up some hanner gel, heed mix, and water bottles for the race.
The group left out and basically looped from two notch out past Lake Carolina through Summit. We ended up in Kershaw and headed around the new Y and back. It was a 20 mile ride, and I enjoyed it a lot. I did not have trouble keeping up, and in fact ended up passing people who just could not hold a pace up any hills. I like to hang back and just watch the others ride and stay out of the way, but several times, I just had to climb. My mountain biking work really paid off on the hills. Most the roadies would click-click-click down shifting all the way up a climb, and I never felt the need on my trusty blue steel 12 speed.
Met some Tri Guys on the ride. They were nice and wished me luck next week. They had the light tri bikes with aerobars, and zoomed downhill. Man, those things make a big difference. They went dead leg down hill, and passed people spinning full out.
Tried Heed for the first time. Not sure about it. Sticky, sugary? Not sure it made any difference. I will try mixing a half scoop instead next time and bring a bottle of just water. I got the flavorless kind, but being so sweet maybe the orange would have been better? I felt kinda jacked up getting off the bike, and my body seems just a tad strange. Not sure about the Heed.
The bike changes seemed to help a lot with power tonight. I felt great climbing the hills, and could have pushed much harder.
Bike Stats:
Time: 1:11:35
Distance: 20.10 mi.
Avg Speed: 16.85 mph
Max Speed: 38:16 mph (Lake Carolina Hills are fast!!!)
Avg HR: 144 bpm
Max HR: 166 bpm
Cals.: 909
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: Sore Right Shoulder; good otherwise
Upcoming: Light Day Spin Class only (Friday will be a full Tri Trial)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Solid Workout Starts new Month!
Headed to the Y, and absolutely enjoyed a swim and run today.
I was not swimming distance, but working on form using the drills from my Total Immersion book. Today was drills to work on balance in the pool. I did three different drills with and without fins to help. I swam some laps with a buoy, and then swam 300m on my own. I have to work on keeping my head in position when breathing. I tend to bob down on rotations to breath. I especially have trouble rotating to the right. I liked swimming with fins. Man, I was soo fast, but I don't want to do too much and forget how it feels with my feet.
After the swim, I moved upstairs for a run. I wanted to run a 5k distance, and for some reason, I am still fixated on running faster, so I ended up pushing my first mile at a 9 minute pace, the second at 8, and the last at 9 with a quarter mile sprint to finish. I ran the 5K under 27 minutes today. That's at least 1 minute off my Riverfest run from May. So I am getting faster!
My left calf cramped up a bit, so I'm icing it. Not a shin pain as I've been getting. More of a lower back calf. Likely from the heavy work in the fin and run. More calf strain than I've done lately.
Run Stats:
Distance: 3.1 mi.
Time: 26:34
Pace: 8 1/2 mile/min.
Avg HR: 155 bpm
Max HR: 164 bpm
Cals.: 388
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: Solid but ice on left calf
Upcoming: Maybe ride with J? Maybe Big Swim? Maybe Harbison? It Depends
I was not swimming distance, but working on form using the drills from my Total Immersion book. Today was drills to work on balance in the pool. I did three different drills with and without fins to help. I swam some laps with a buoy, and then swam 300m on my own. I have to work on keeping my head in position when breathing. I tend to bob down on rotations to breath. I especially have trouble rotating to the right. I liked swimming with fins. Man, I was soo fast, but I don't want to do too much and forget how it feels with my feet.
After the swim, I moved upstairs for a run. I wanted to run a 5k distance, and for some reason, I am still fixated on running faster, so I ended up pushing my first mile at a 9 minute pace, the second at 8, and the last at 9 with a quarter mile sprint to finish. I ran the 5K under 27 minutes today. That's at least 1 minute off my Riverfest run from May. So I am getting faster!
My left calf cramped up a bit, so I'm icing it. Not a shin pain as I've been getting. More of a lower back calf. Likely from the heavy work in the fin and run. More calf strain than I've done lately.
Run Stats:
Distance: 3.1 mi.
Time: 26:34
Pace: 8 1/2 mile/min.
Avg HR: 155 bpm
Max HR: 164 bpm
Cals.: 388
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: Solid but ice on left calf
Upcoming: Maybe ride with J? Maybe Big Swim? Maybe Harbison? It Depends
Monday, June 30, 2008
June's Training Totals
Since July Starts tomorrow, I decided to check my totals for the past month. It's fun seeing month by month comparisons for growth.
June's Totals
Swim: 4500 yd - 3h 12m
Bike: 171.44 m. - 12h 49m
Run: 32.15 mi - 5h 18m
Total Training Time: 21h 19m
In June, I swam twice May's total; biked more than 60 more miles; and ran more than twice June's distance. Gotta say I'm a tad impressed with myself.
June's Totals
Swim: 4500 yd - 3h 12m
Bike: 171.44 m. - 12h 49m
Run: 32.15 mi - 5h 18m
Total Training Time: 21h 19m
In June, I swam twice May's total; biked more than 60 more miles; and ran more than twice June's distance. Gotta say I'm a tad impressed with myself.
Tri Swim & Bike Trials with Some Race Goals
Testing out myself this week to see how race ready I'll be by next Saturday. I want to push hard this week and get confident for the triathlon, and then go easy next week and put plenty of rest in my schedule.
Today, I started with a trial bike ride. I rode about 17 miles total. I figure I rode the 15.56 miles that I will race in about 55 minutes. I rode on a trainer so I'm not exactly sure, but it seems about right. I average around 16 - 17 mph, which is exactly what I averaged at the beach.
After the bike, I swam about 1,000m at the pool. The race is only 700m, but I know the pool is easier than open water, so I'm training over that distance in the pool. My stroke is only serviceable, and I have a lot more work to do on form, but I got the job done. I lost track of laps, so I may have only swum 950m, but that's ok by me. I made the swim in about 22 minutes. I could feel the stroke fallinig apart at the end.
I was getting worn out by the end of today's workout. So, the triathlon will be a big test next week. With only 11 days to go, I will likely not see much improvement in conditioning. This will be the body I race with. My overall goal is to finish, but I know myself and I need some times to shoot for. I'd like to do the whole thing in under 2 hours. I hope to do the swim under 25 minutes, the bike under an hour, and the run under 30 minutes. But, I'd like to just finish with a smile.
Time: 55:29
Distance 16 mi.
Avg Speed: 17 mph
Avg HR: 135 bpm
Max HR: 148 bpm
Cals.: 644
Time: 22:25
Distance 950-1000m
Avg Speed: 2:32 min/100 yard
Avg HR: 140 bpm
Max HR: 150 bpm
Cals.: 277
Total Cals.: 921
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: :)
Upcoming: Drills for Swim Form & Running Speed Work
Today, I started with a trial bike ride. I rode about 17 miles total. I figure I rode the 15.56 miles that I will race in about 55 minutes. I rode on a trainer so I'm not exactly sure, but it seems about right. I average around 16 - 17 mph, which is exactly what I averaged at the beach.
After the bike, I swam about 1,000m at the pool. The race is only 700m, but I know the pool is easier than open water, so I'm training over that distance in the pool. My stroke is only serviceable, and I have a lot more work to do on form, but I got the job done. I lost track of laps, so I may have only swum 950m, but that's ok by me. I made the swim in about 22 minutes. I could feel the stroke fallinig apart at the end.
I was getting worn out by the end of today's workout. So, the triathlon will be a big test next week. With only 11 days to go, I will likely not see much improvement in conditioning. This will be the body I race with. My overall goal is to finish, but I know myself and I need some times to shoot for. I'd like to do the whole thing in under 2 hours. I hope to do the swim under 25 minutes, the bike under an hour, and the run under 30 minutes. But, I'd like to just finish with a smile.
Time: 55:29
Distance 16 mi.
Avg Speed: 17 mph
Avg HR: 135 bpm
Max HR: 148 bpm
Cals.: 644
Time: 22:25
Distance 950-1000m
Avg Speed: 2:32 min/100 yard
Avg HR: 140 bpm
Max HR: 150 bpm
Cals.: 277
Total Cals.: 921
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours
Current Status: :)
Upcoming: Drills for Swim Form & Running Speed Work
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Going for Speed
After running at the beach for the last week and feeling slow in the wind, I wanted to test out my pace on the home course tonight. I felt like I have been getting faster using the interval training, but then at the beach I felt very slow.
Tonight, I was going to run three time around the lake at a good 150+ bpm. I wanted to try and really give my legs a push, and see how they responded.
The run felt good. My legs felt strong. My breathing felt good, even over the hills, and I ran pain free. All great signs! I did not feel overly hot, either. I made the first lake lap at 12 minutes. The second lap at 23 minutes, and I stopped the third lap a hair shy at 33 minutes to get a coold down walk in so I would not have to double back going home. So, I ended up not getting a full three laps.
I figure I ran 3.5 miles at a 9 1/2 minute pace. Not faster than I ran my last 5k. So, I have not gotten faster after all. I do feel better conditioned. I know I can run longer distances. I'm just not faster.
I sprinted the last several hundred yards, and got cookin' just to give a finishing kick. I need more sprint work I feel. I will look into fitting this in after the tri on July 12. On the upside, I had a higher HR for the workout, and I'm pushing the higher limits of my training zone.
Distance: 3.5 miles
Pace 9 1/2 minute/ miles
Time: 33:00
Zone Time: 21:14
Avg HR: 155 BPM
Max BPM: 170 BPM
Cals.: 510
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee in 12 Days
Current Status: Still Nervous
Upcoming: Pee Dee test swim and bike
Max HR: 170
Tonight, I was going to run three time around the lake at a good 150+ bpm. I wanted to try and really give my legs a push, and see how they responded.
The run felt good. My legs felt strong. My breathing felt good, even over the hills, and I ran pain free. All great signs! I did not feel overly hot, either. I made the first lake lap at 12 minutes. The second lap at 23 minutes, and I stopped the third lap a hair shy at 33 minutes to get a coold down walk in so I would not have to double back going home. So, I ended up not getting a full three laps.
I figure I ran 3.5 miles at a 9 1/2 minute pace. Not faster than I ran my last 5k. So, I have not gotten faster after all. I do feel better conditioned. I know I can run longer distances. I'm just not faster.
I sprinted the last several hundred yards, and got cookin' just to give a finishing kick. I need more sprint work I feel. I will look into fitting this in after the tri on July 12. On the upside, I had a higher HR for the workout, and I'm pushing the higher limits of my training zone.
Distance: 3.5 miles
Pace 9 1/2 minute/ miles
Time: 33:00
Zone Time: 21:14
Avg HR: 155 BPM
Max BPM: 170 BPM
Cals.: 510
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee in 12 Days
Current Status: Still Nervous
Upcoming: Pee Dee test swim and bike
Max HR: 170
Tri Bike Trial Run
On Saturday morning at Surfside, I decided to take a morning bike run to try out the distance of the Pee Dee Triathlon. I was searching to see how much speed I can hold over 15.56 miles. The course is advertised as dead flat, and being at a flat beach, I had the perfect area to try out my pace for the race.
I set out heading to the far end of Garden City Beach on Ocean Drive from 10 Ave S. in Surfside. Immediately, I noticed I was heading into a full breeze easily about 10 to 15 mph. I could feel the pressure constantly, and even more on gusts around big building fronting the ocean. I could hold about 14-15 mph into the wind without killing my quads. I wanted to set a labored but not exhausting pace, so I could get some information that may be helpful for a triathlon.
Reaching the edge of Garden City and turning around I felt the advantage of the wind. I shout up to 19-20 mph with at the same effort as before. I'm not sure how much aid I was getting, but I believe it was a fair amout. I saw a Harrell's Smurf jersey on a mountain bike that waved going the other direction. I did not recognize the face. Anyone know who it was??
I pedalled down to the far edge of surfside holding the same 19-20 mph the whole way, and turned around again into the wind. As I reach the 12 mile mark and had to labor in the wind, I began to strain fairly heavy to hold my pace up. I having not been training at 15 mile rides, and I could feel my body giving out at the longer ride.
I reach the Garden City Peir as my bike computer showed 15.56 miles. Weird huh! Exactly 15.56 miles. right at the Peir. I was tempted to get off the bike and play some games, but had no money stashed in my riding bib. I rode home at an easy pace.
Distance: 15.56 miles
Ride Time: 57:55
Avg Speed: 16.13 mph
Max Speed: 22.93
Avg HR: 146
Max HR: 156
Cals.: 697
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee in 13 Days!
Current Status: Tight Quads
Upcoming: A good hard 30 minute run
I set out heading to the far end of Garden City Beach on Ocean Drive from 10 Ave S. in Surfside. Immediately, I noticed I was heading into a full breeze easily about 10 to 15 mph. I could feel the pressure constantly, and even more on gusts around big building fronting the ocean. I could hold about 14-15 mph into the wind without killing my quads. I wanted to set a labored but not exhausting pace, so I could get some information that may be helpful for a triathlon.
Reaching the edge of Garden City and turning around I felt the advantage of the wind. I shout up to 19-20 mph with at the same effort as before. I'm not sure how much aid I was getting, but I believe it was a fair amout. I saw a Harrell's Smurf jersey on a mountain bike that waved going the other direction. I did not recognize the face. Anyone know who it was??
I pedalled down to the far edge of surfside holding the same 19-20 mph the whole way, and turned around again into the wind. As I reach the 12 mile mark and had to labor in the wind, I began to strain fairly heavy to hold my pace up. I having not been training at 15 mile rides, and I could feel my body giving out at the longer ride.
I reach the Garden City Peir as my bike computer showed 15.56 miles. Weird huh! Exactly 15.56 miles. right at the Peir. I was tempted to get off the bike and play some games, but had no money stashed in my riding bib. I rode home at an easy pace.
Distance: 15.56 miles
Ride Time: 57:55
Avg Speed: 16.13 mph
Max Speed: 22.93
Avg HR: 146
Max HR: 156
Cals.: 697
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee in 13 Days!
Current Status: Tight Quads
Upcoming: A good hard 30 minute run
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Bike Trail at Huntington Beach State Park
Rode the bike trail around Huntington Beach State Park today with ALL of Amy's family. We road the paved trail that leads from Murrell's Inlet to near Pawley's Island. We did not bike the whole thing, but did manage about 7 miles together. It was nice. Especially on the paved sections that ran curvy through the maritime forest. Not to hot, until we got out of the cover of the forest, then BAM! Heat!
Not a very aggressive ride considering the folks that came along, but hey, I was riding a bike. We were a funny site all seven of us on our bikes. We took a wide variety of bikes from my twelve speed to a hybrid bike to a couple of mountain bikes, and Amy's Mom's cruiser bike. The boys held on in their trailer. We saw lots of gators on the causeway of the park. Kinda a strane being only a few feet from something that usually sits behind a cage.
After the ride we ate lunch, and walked around Atalaya. Lunch was nice under the shade of hemlock tree and we listened to the sounds of the surf and ocean birds gathered nearby. I have a funny picture of all of us on our bikes near the dunes that I will upload later.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee
Current Status: Cooling Off from a hot day in the sun
Upcoming: Morning Ride around Surfside and Garden City
Not a very aggressive ride considering the folks that came along, but hey, I was riding a bike. We were a funny site all seven of us on our bikes. We took a wide variety of bikes from my twelve speed to a hybrid bike to a couple of mountain bikes, and Amy's Mom's cruiser bike. The boys held on in their trailer. We saw lots of gators on the causeway of the park. Kinda a strane being only a few feet from something that usually sits behind a cage.
After the ride we ate lunch, and walked around Atalaya. Lunch was nice under the shade of hemlock tree and we listened to the sounds of the surf and ocean birds gathered nearby. I have a funny picture of all of us on our bikes near the dunes that I will upload later.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee
Current Status: Cooling Off from a hot day in the sun
Upcoming: Morning Ride around Surfside and Garden City
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Beach Run
Ran about 3.4 miles this morning according to I ran slow to start, but picked up the pace on the way back. I started out running with Amy, and her sister, Becky but they bailed out earlier than I was planning. It was hot and sticky, and I was drenched by the end.
Body feels good. No shin issues at all!
Distance: 3.4 Miles
Time: 33 minutes
Pace: 10 minute miles
Avg HR: 151
Max HR: 167
Cals: 450
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee
Current Status: :)
Upcoming: Bike the OD
Body feels good. No shin issues at all!
Distance: 3.4 Miles
Time: 33 minutes
Pace: 10 minute miles
Avg HR: 151
Max HR: 167
Cals: 450
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee
Current Status: :)
Upcoming: Bike the OD
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fitting It All In
Getting to the beach today to be with my family was my first priority, so I knew I would have trouble getting on the bike today for some work. I ended up taking the boys around surfside and Garden City Beach on the trailer for a workout.
I feel like I rode about 10 miles total. I have no idea of anything else, but pulling the boys against a beach breeze is not easy! Man, I felt like I had a kite behind me for about half the ride. I rode at just below pain level, and did a few minutes as hard as I could to work the muscles a good bit.
I am very saddle sore after the ride last night and today. I rode in regular shorts, and I think that made the difference today. My behind hurts bad! Also, after yesterdays's swim, bike and weights, I feel awfully sore all over. After riding tonight, I felt pretty wasted.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee
Current Status: Saddle Sore
Upcoming: Long Run?
Update: Crap I just checked the mileage online for the ride, and it was only 7 miles. Shuck, I thought it was further.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Getting Race Ready
Now that I have to et ready for my first triathlon, my workouts seem to have more importance!. I hit the hits weights and went through each major muscle group three times. I take it easy on the shoulders now since swimming hits them hard. I have put legs in the workout again. I hope to develop more power this way
It was getting late, and the Y closes at 10, so I had to force a quick spin in the trainer. I made up 27 minutes and 30 seconds before the lights got cut off. I rode exactly 8 miles. I averaged about 18 mph I think. I want to push this the next few weeks. I have a 25k (about 15 miles) bike in the race to do. I want to be able to make a good time in the bike. I hope to do it under 45 minutes. But, this being my first race I'll be happy with anything!
Overall, my body feels good. No nagging injuries other than the pesky left shin, but it's been worse. My knees feel strong and I want to get them in top shape! My shoulders feel good. The right shoulder seems a tad tight, but that's to be expected from the swim today. I want to push my HR up the next couple weeks. My max seems a bit low, and I wonder if I'm just not pushing hard enough in the workouts. I seem to top out at 170. I'd like to make it to 180.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee Sprint Triathlon
Current Status: Excited, nervous about my first triathlon
Upcoming: Beach Bike
It was getting late, and the Y closes at 10, so I had to force a quick spin in the trainer. I made up 27 minutes and 30 seconds before the lights got cut off. I rode exactly 8 miles. I averaged about 18 mph I think. I want to push this the next few weeks. I have a 25k (about 15 miles) bike in the race to do. I want to be able to make a good time in the bike. I hope to do it under 45 minutes. But, this being my first race I'll be happy with anything!
Overall, my body feels good. No nagging injuries other than the pesky left shin, but it's been worse. My knees feel strong and I want to get them in top shape! My shoulders feel good. The right shoulder seems a tad tight, but that's to be expected from the swim today. I want to push my HR up the next couple weeks. My max seems a bit low, and I wonder if I'm just not pushing hard enough in the workouts. I seem to top out at 170. I'd like to make it to 180.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee Sprint Triathlon
Current Status: Excited, nervous about my first triathlon
Upcoming: Beach Bike
500m Swim! & The Next BIG Goal!
Back in Columbia, while the family enjoys Surfside, to finish my class. Went to Y, and swam. At first, I was just going to swim my usual laps, but after swimming a warm-up and 200m with a buoy, I started my freestyle laps without support. I just kept going, and soon realized I was about 300m in. I went for more, and made it to 500m. I was so excited. It was a big moment, and I had no one to celebrate with.
Anyway, I can cross off another goal. It wasn't the best 500m swim ever, but I did it. Also, I know I can go further. I was not totally spent. My breathing is good to the left, and I am workingon the right side. I am getting more rotation in my stroke, too. I am not high in the water like I want yet, but it's much better than before. Plenty of more swim work to do, but it's time for a new goal.
I have decided to put up or shut up about the whole Tri thing. I just registered for the Tri the Pee Dee Triathlon on Saturday, July 12. Amy doesn't even know yet. I hope we don't have plans.
That gives me about 2 weeks of prep. So, I'm a tad nervous. The swim is 700m in a small lake. The bike is dead flat, and the overall event sounds ideal for a beginner. This is the time! I will be racing as a novice. I guess that's the right category.
I'd like to celebrate my decision, but with the family away at the beach, I will just go back to the Y tonight for more training.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee Sprint Triathlon
Current Status: Ready to Celebrate
Upcoming: Weights and Cycle tonight
Anyway, I can cross off another goal. It wasn't the best 500m swim ever, but I did it. Also, I know I can go further. I was not totally spent. My breathing is good to the left, and I am workingon the right side. I am getting more rotation in my stroke, too. I am not high in the water like I want yet, but it's much better than before. Plenty of more swim work to do, but it's time for a new goal.
I have decided to put up or shut up about the whole Tri thing. I just registered for the Tri the Pee Dee Triathlon on Saturday, July 12. Amy doesn't even know yet. I hope we don't have plans.
That gives me about 2 weeks of prep. So, I'm a tad nervous. The swim is 700m in a small lake. The bike is dead flat, and the overall event sounds ideal for a beginner. This is the time! I will be racing as a novice. I guess that's the right category.
I'd like to celebrate my decision, but with the family away at the beach, I will just go back to the Y tonight for more training.
Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee Sprint Triathlon
Current Status: Ready to Celebrate
Upcoming: Weights and Cycle tonight
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