Thursday, July 3, 2008

Spin Class Special

Made it to my spin class tonight. I had hoped to bring Amy as well, but after Bobby freaked out in the KidWatch Room (See her blog for the story), I ended up going solo. Tonight, Wendy, who is an armed forces vet, and whose husband is currently in the Air Force, had a special July 4th Tribute to those who have and are serving our country.

It ended up being a great change of pace, and her song selections were great. We started with the theme from Iron Eagles (remember that movie!!) by Queen, and it really got me excited. I mean I loved that movie. I always secretly wished my Dad would get kidnapped by Arabs, so I could borrow an F-15 with armed warheads, and rescue him, too. I'm downloading that song tonight!!

Other songs included the theme from Top Gun, Born in the USA, and a teary "I'm Already There" military tribute with overdubs of voice messages for troops stationed in Iraq. And, of course, we ended with "I'm Proud to be an American." Wendy thought it was a cheesy idea, but I really got into it, and I loved the songs anyways. 

I pushed hard tonight, and gave the Heed another try. I only used half the dose as last night, and still I'm not sure about using it. It just tastes weird, and I feel a bit edgy. Plus, I don't feel any advantage over plain water. I have some gel packs that I will test out tomorrow instead. The Y is closed on the 4th (I forgot), so I have changed plans and will bike and run Sesqui instead. Amy may even come along for the fun. 

Time: 47:58
Zone: 44:32
Avg HR: 138
Max HR: 160
Cals: 577

Next Goal: Tri the Pee Dee under 2 hours

Current Status: Patriotic

Upcoming: Sesqui Brick

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