Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back in the Groove

After a 2 day break, today was my first training since the big race on Saturday. I made it a spn class a tad late after swimming a few extra minutes with the Boys at our neighborhood pool. The class was tough. I did not feel very powerul, but I had plenty of stamina. I don't know if it was the bike or not, but I had trouble going fast. I did better with the hills than the sprints. I may still be tight from the race though.

When I came home, Amy and I decided to run around the lake a few times, and I stuffed the Boys into the Bike Trailer and converted it to a jogging stroller. It was about their bedtime, and they already had the PJs on. Bobby fell asleep before we even made it 1/2 way around the first time. Pushing the Boys was extra hard. I could not pump my arms, and I had to shorten my stride because of the stroller's weight. Hills were tough. It was likely running, when I still weighed about 230ish 6 months ago.

It was nice doing a brick today, and I was glad Amy and I got to run together. We did a tough hill by her folks house, and cruised home. I made us power shakes, and we put the boys to bed.

Next Goal: Hot August Night 5k under 26 minutes

Current Status: Back in Training

Upcoming: Morning Swim and Weights; Afternoon ride at Harbison

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