Update: Official Results
Time: 26:55
Pace: 8:40
Overall: 191/395
Men: 148/232
Age Group: 14/30

The race was hot, and I know that I faded the last mile. I tried to kick the last 1/2 mile and get in under 26 minutes, but I just did not have it in me. I know I ran all out. My heart rate was over 170 the last 2 miles of the race, which is red line for me! I ran a total of 27 seconds in my training zone, according to settings of my watch, and the rest was over the line.
The first mile I paced with an older guy that had a stride like mine. Actually, he pulled me out of the comfort zone and I ran the first mile in about 8 minutes. This got my hopes up. But, the second mile was hillier, and I know I slowed down to about a 9 minute mile pace. The old guy I was using as a pace setter took off, and I lost some focus. Some folks zipped by me at this point, which made me wonder why the heck they were behind me in the first place. If you can sprint by someone in the second mile in a 5k then you should not be behind them in the first place. I noticed some runners pulling up and walking at this point. My personal favorite was passing about 3 kids from the Ridge View HIgh School Cross Country Team that sprinted away with the leaders of the race. I never saw them again, and I hope they were okay, but they really planned on winning the race and paid the big price for it!
The third mile came and I noticed I needed another 8 minute mile to make my goal. I pushed as hard as I could, and passed some guys I had been behind the 2nd mile. I even caught the original old guy that lead me out the first mile. He hit the wall and barely seemed to be moving. The last mile seemed to stretch forever, and when I made the home stretch I had top gear in place and was hoping to hold on till the last meter in absolute sprint. I noticed the time above the finish line click past 26 minutes and I was still a ways away. I lost motivation and dropped back. I was sucking wind anyways, and would not have been able to sprint to the end unless I knew it meant making my goal. I ended up with a time like 26:40 or 50 something.
This was still and improvement, so I'm not really bummed at all, especially given the somewhat hilly course and high temp. I plan to focus with sprinting more, so I can develop a kick that pushes me into the 7 or 8 minute mile group. Some of the runners seemed to have a gear I just do not have. I had fun and it was nice running through Shandon. Lots of folks lined the road and cheered people on. People had sprinklers aimed at the street, and it was a unique atmosphere to have people around the whole race site. My parents and Amy came to race. My mom, as always, screamed for me. She does not care how many people are ahead of me, and I must admit I like hearing her.
Here are some pics courtesy of my sweet wife, Amy:

Running the last stretch head down is a bad sign! My heart rate was about 180 here.

Getting passed by some guy, who ran like Forrest Gump, I swear! He about collapsed at the finish line and was 2 seconds ahead. Yeah for him! I must say I have much better form even if I was slower.

Cooling off after the race. My shoe was off so I could turn my chip in!
Unofficial Time: 26:40
Avg HR: 170
Max HR: 182
Cals: 471
Next Goal: Run a 12k or a 5k under 26
Current Status: Whipped
Upcoming: Road Ride??
Rock on man! You are steady in your improvements, I bet you run Riverfest in 24 minutes or less next year.
It sounds like you ran a good race. Kudos to you for running in heat like that!
Good job Tim everyone that finished that 5k w/o heatstroke was a winner. The last pics comment should have been you ran sooooo fast your shoe couldn't keep up.
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