Thursday, August 14, 2008

Commute Accomplished

Today, I followed through on a promise from last school year by commuting to and from work. It's only about 4 1/2 miles there, and 9 miles round trip, but still I save a few drops of precious gas. I will try to continue this as much as possible. I will be looking into getting some saddle bags and winter gear if this keeps up.

This morning the ride in was quite cold. I could not believe it, but as I cut through the back of Wood Creek Farms to avoid traffic, I got chilly. I changed at work and started a day of in-service for the new school year. I'm actually excited about getting back to work. 

After the static day of one big long meeting, I was prepped to get out and hit the road. It was kinda like that scene in Fight Club, where the guy sits in his cubicle all day and thinks about the beatings he will take. I was ready to get of the school by the end of the day. I rode to the Y, which was about 10 miles from my school, and swam about 1,000m. I swam 100, 200, 500, 200, 100 today. Another tri guy was swimming next to me, and I tried to keep up with his pace when possible. I have no idea if he was even pushing it, but I had a hard time keeping up. I have absolutely no knick! An area to work on.

I rode home after the swim by warm of Lake Carolina and Summit again. The hills still slow me down a good bit, but when I pushed on the flats I topped around 22 - 24 mph. Great way to start a new school year. I was in a super mood when I got home, and did not even mind the neighborhood association meeting I had to attend tonight!

Distance: 20.81 miles
Time: 1:15:58
Avg. Speed: 16.44 mph
Max Speed: 35.66

Next Goal: 12k in oct

Current Status: Ready to go again

Upcoming: Commute & maybe a late night run

1 comment:

Mary said...

Commuting on a bike sounds awesome!