Friday, August 8, 2008

Medium Road Ride & Family Ride

I cancelled plans for the group ride tonight, and rode solo around Northeast Columbia. I headed from my house out to Kershaw County and back by way of Lake Carolina and Summit.

Again, I feel like all I did was climb hills all day. I do not recall much of any straight aways other than a few sections. It was just hill after hill after hill. My quads were loaded up, and I could feel plenty of lactic acid building up. The only real straight section I recall was the commuter lane around Sandhills Shopping Center. I hit 20 plus out one way, and 18 mph the other. 

So, my average speed is not that great, but I did have some power when I wanted it. If nothing else, I've had some nice hill work the past two days. The overall ride was pretty lame, nothing spectacular to report. 

I came home, showered and then decided to ride up to the Sandhills to watch a band and eat dinner. So, one more ride. This time, Amy and I rode with the boys in the trailer and took some back roads by way of the Clemson Extension Agency. Again, I had one very big hill to top, and with the boys in tow, my knees started to feel the work over the course of the day. I took it very slow up and back, but had a great time tonight. The band was great. Dinner was good (Service was slooow), and we had some Italian Ices and rode home in the setting sun. Pretty nice night.

Miles: 23.59 miles (Plus more from the dinner trip!)
Avg. Speed: 16.23 mph
Max Speed: 32.73

Next Goal: 12k in October

Current Status: Sore Knees & Tight Quads

Upcoming: Weights and Sprint Work

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