Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Good Swim; No Run

Swam this AM; held off on the run.

After Joey's swim lesson this morning, I got in a great swim. I swam a total of 800m. More than I usually do, and I worked a great deal on form. The Zipper drill really seems to help out. My balance is starting to come. I need more work on breathing, and I will start to feel like I am making good progress. Slow and steady seems to be the key, but as I struggle for more air I swim harder for some reason. I can swim fast and short fine, but long amounts are not my thing yet.

I had planned a run, but after drinking a beer at dinner, and some ice cream out with the family, I lost the feel. Beer, ice cream and running don't mix. I'll make it up tomorrow.

Got a good book about training for a Tri, and I may be following its workout plans soon. I will read more, but I already like the post workout protein drink it suggests. The milk J suggested tasted great, but did not sit well on my stomach. Made me gaseous. The book's recipe is Egg Protein (Expensive Stuff!) and fruit based. The plans are pretty basic so I think I can skip ahead. The book offers a 12 week program. I will start somehwhere into the second month. I was hoping to get some swim advice from the book for a beginner. All the book says about form is getting a swim coach. Literally, what the heck. I don't need a book for that advice. Duh! The book also suggests using more exercise drinks, and liquid supplements over Protein bars, since bars take too long to get into the system. I will cut back on bars, and try out Heed and Gu, instead for short and medium workouts.

Next Goal: Swim 500m

Current Status: Slothlike?!

Upcoming: Medium Pace Run (I will try for 4 miles)

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