Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bike Commute Rundown

Well, I have to go the Cayce the next two days for Writing Class, so I guess cycling is out the rest of the week, and that means my week of biking is over.

It's kinda neat riding in and being the only one to make it there by their own power. I like that I may have saved a bit of pollution. And, by my calculations I saved 2 dollars in gas! Most importantly, my two sons think it's cool.

Happily, no incidents on the road. Taking only 5 minutes to get to my destination helps.

Overall, I biked 8.81 miles for a total of 24 minutes with an average speed of 14.72 mph and a max of 25.10 mph. I really want to go faster. I'm kinda bummed (to borrow J's word) about being so slow.

But, as my wife stated, "Lose some weight. I bet you go faster then!"

Ain't she a peach.

I plan to bike with a group Friday. It's a no drop ride. I just hope I don't change that!


Anonymous said...

That was not how it was meant. And I am a peach. Just for the record.

Jason said...

I found that my biggest increase in road cruising speed came from forcing myself to ride at 20+ mph for as long as I could hold it. When you can't stand it any more, back down and recovery fully before repeating. I went from cruising at 16mph to cruising at 20mph in a few months. Your body has to get use to the new requirement of speed your asking for. Road speed is easier to obtain than trail speed in my book. It's just pure fitness, there's not much skill outside of learning how to ride with others and not causing a pileup. Also, you have to pay attention to the route you're on for evaluating your average speed. If it's rolling hills or flat without much stopping you'll have a faster average than tooling around where there are stop lights every 100 yards. Find some open country roads and see what you can do over 5 miles or so.