Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sweatin' to Blue Man Group

Spin class was a blast tonight. Had to change to a different bike, since some new folks came and took my usual spot. Funny how you get used to a specific spot, huh? Well, I switched to the other side of the room, and mounted a different trainer. Felt wierd. The tension was all different and I took a few minutes to get used to the variations. All the bikes in the room are the same, but somehow not the same.

Well, the class went well. New songs, tougher positions, and I made it through the whole thing. I haven't made it to a class in a while, so I really cranked hard through two of the climbs. Biking at Harbison and Sesqui really makes a difference on the quads! Don't know if I held back or not, but spinning seems to be getting easier. Must be time to turn on more pace.

Two notes on the ride: 1) Blue Man group makes great listening for workouts. 2) Don't take the bike in the back right corner. The fans don't reach that spot, and the air was stale, hot and stagnant. Sweat poured across my body 5 minutes in, and never stopped. I had a good sized pool of liquid to mop up after class under my position.

One another note, Amy and I took the boys to the pool after our workouts, and swam a bit. Ended up watching all the "real" swimmers for some sort of technique help. Jeeze, they make it look so simple and easy.

I swam a few lengths even with the kiddos in the pool, and practiced my kick. I'm working on pointing my toes more, and moving from the knee down and not the hip. I saw some improvement, but nothing Earth shattering.

As Steve Martin said on SNL, "I'm not a strong swimmer." (Reference the skit on the 1st male synchronized swim team circa 1980s. Don't know if you recall this or not, but I hands down the funniest thing I have ever seen. Here's the transcript of the skit: http://snltranscripts.jt.org/84/84aswimmers.phtml)

Next Goal: 500m of swimming

Current Status: Searching to Download some Blue Man Tunes.

Upcoming: Late Night Run, after work and 3 tutoring stints. I plan to run the "Home Course."

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