Saturday, May 3, 2008

RiverFest Epilepsy 5K Race Recap

Ran the big race today. I finished under my goal of 29 minutes. By my account, I ran the course at 27 minutes 51 seconds. I was stoked by my time. I ran about as hard as I could, so I don't feel I could have been much faster. I cut my last 5K time down by more than 5 minutes, and ran an average pace well under a 10 minute mile. Overall, I made all my race goals.

The course was much hillier than I had thought it would be. The race information online said it was a flat course, but I disagree. Several "bigish" hills in the last half of the race really cut down my pace.

At the beginning of the race, I set out to pass a few people and not get stuck in a pack. Ran up the hill from the start and set way too fast of a pace, passing people left and right. My heart rate soared, and I felt I needed to slow it down in order to make the whole 3 miles. People started passing me back immediately, and I searched for someone to pass me that I could match pace with and kinda draft and settle in. Found a guy about my age and my conditioning level, and cruised for bit.

A little over half way into the race, after crossing the Gervais Street Bridge and the Chicken Factory (Jason, you were right. PEW!), I ran into the big hill of the race. I actually picked up my pace, and passed a few people back. Made it to the top, and doubled back down the hill even faster.

At the bottom of the hill I caught a little girl about 10 or 11 years old. She had a wild crazy form with arms and legs flailing about, however, she was still going fast. As I approached her, I noticed that her Mom was following her on a bike, and she was screaming at the child to pick up her pace and sprint. This annoyed me, and as I jogged up the on ramp for Highway 12 heading back to the Riverfront Park, I actually passed the girl. Suddenly, the Mom goes beserk and yells, "Don't let that fat guy pass you!"

I was ticked, and picked up my pace. Getting called fat by some lady that wasn't even in the race made me mad. As I ran faster, the lady yelled at her daughter more. This made me determined to stay ahead. Eventually, the pace and a few last minute hills caught up with me and the girl made it by in the final quarter mile, where her Dad was waiting by the road, and sprinted/ coached/ verbally abused her to the end. Argh, I hate parents like that.

Well, the girl finished ahead of me by about 10 seconds, and as I ran by at the finish line, I felt horrible for her. She looked awful, and nearly about to pass out.

Overall, I had a great time. Jason finished under his goal of 25 minutes. Amy finished under 33 minutes, and for her first race actually beat my first race time of 33:10.

On a related note, I ended up buying new running shoes for the race, after being advised the my other pair were causing some the of the shin splints problems. I ran the race with the new shows, and loved the feel!


Jason said...

Way to go! 27:51 is posted on the web by your name, you should feel great about that! Congrats to Amy too! You guys rocked :)

Training Tim said...

I checked after I saw you were 5th. I got 9th out of about 16 in the 30 - 34 group. Not bad for a second race.