Saturday, May 31, 2008

Riding the Red Clay Roller Coaster

Fats is PHAT!

Riding FATS today was a great experience. Amazingly fast and smooth compared to anything I've ever ridden. I had to force myself to hold back, so as not to get the Monty Jinx, and be able to make my date tonight with Amy. Even though I tried to stay Earth bound, several times I found my wheels escaping Sumter National Forest's red clay terrain.

First ten miles was loads of rollin', rockin', high speed fun. I learned a lot about conserving and producing speed without using my pedals. New experience. My back actually is more sore than my legs from all the pumping I did all morning. I was out of the saddle as much as I was in it. Different than how I normally ride.

After a quick stop, the second 5 miles started to get harder. My back tightened up big time, and I started to loose speed. The humps were harder to ride seated than standing. Lost a lot of momentum.

The last 5 miles were a total blur. I completely lost track of what trail I was even riding. At one point I thougt I was still riding the second loop at FATS. Having never ridden that far before, my body started doing strange things. Losing complete trust in my riding ability, I was forced to slow even further to eliminate the chance of jumping off the trail into oblivion.

I actually had to get off the bike, and walk a few times the last mile, since any uphill at all was beyond what my brain to handle. I seemed to have some kick left, but the ol' noodle was unreceptive to any idea of cranking out extra power to crest even the slightest mound in my way. Sadly, I walked up to a waiting Jason with only .3 miles left for the day.

I loved the ride completely. I drank my entire water bladder, and a bottle of Gatorade. More fluid than I have ever consumed riding. I also discovered a great need for actual riding shorts, and a pair of gloves. I wore my skin out in several places, if you catch my drift.

I hope I didn't hold J-Man up to much today. I can't wait to go back.

Total Time: 2:41
Riding Time:2:11
Zone Time: 1:32
Avg HR: 151 bpm
Max HR: 175 bpm
Cals. Burned: 2294
Avg. Speed: 9.07 mph
Max Speed: 17.55 mph
Total Distance: 19.96 miles

Next Goal: Swim 500m

Current Status: Whipped!

Upcoming: If my body is willing, a run of Sunday

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