Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dropping the Canine Hammer!

Heading down the steep hill that is my driveway, what looked like a full moon illuminated my journey towards Lake Briarcilffe. I should have known then.

Despite achy nasal passages, and sore joints from yard work all afternoon, I was determined to get my run in today, so I could start this week off right. Last week was a wash, and as my triathlon training chart demonstrates, my foot issues last week hurt my conditioning and training.

Oddly, my run started off great. I got in the zone quickly with the help of some great tunes on the iPod, and cruised along the dam of the lake. Taking in the beauty of a post-storm breeze and a glowing night, I strode uphill and around the backside of the lake on my run.

My nasal passages were clearing. My soreness was gone. My breathing was not too bad, considering this was my first run in over a week. Thinking about form, forcing my hips forward, and concentrating on a heal-toe jog to alleviate my reoccuring shin splints, I felt like a "real" runner.

For only a moment.

When suddenly my brain registered that the distant sound of a barking dog was not all that distant. Turing in alarm, my view focused on white teeth, red gums, and black hair jumping at the heel of my Mizunos. As most of you know, I run at night with a flashlight and a wooden hammer. The flashlight for sleepy drivers, and the hammer is reserved for the nosey canines that roam my neighborhood at night.

Swinging around, wooden weapon at arm's length, I struck a skull-bashing stance. The mongrel kept coming at me, low and snarling. "Giyit!" I hollered at full volume. Those of you that know me, know I am louder than most people, but what you don't know is that usually I am actually attempting to be somewhat quiet. Bellowing at full force, I screamed several more time in hopes that I would not have to resort to killing a dog on such a peaceful evening.

Lights on porches started blinking on, surrounding me in pale yellow light. Husbands, wives, and children jumped up from couches for at least several hundred yards.

"Whoever owns this dog better come git him!" I continued. The dog's owner ambled down his front deck and grabbed the retriever's collar.

Upset that my run was interupted, I continued along. Turning about a minute later, I saw the dang mutt coming at me again! I stopped, gave the owner a "What the..." shoulder shrug, and waited for him to corral his pet a second time.

Heading back to my run, I was upset that my pace, and concentration were blitzed.

The story should end here, right?

Well, on my second loop, I noticed a slow moving white SUV coming from behind me. Worried that the dog's owner might be tracking me down, I slowed down to get a good look. Mentally, I wrote down the license tag, and kept going. The car drove up about half a block, swung around with it's brights on and headed right at me.

Heart rate soaring, I ended up shielding my eyes, because of the stark light glaring directly at my head, and I ditched into someone's front yard. The car passed without incident, and I got back into my pace yet again!

Then, bright lights swung back around. Popping the ear buds out, I jogged sideways, as the white vehicle slowed to match my pace. A powered window eased down.

"Do you know how to get to the Bi-Lo?" asked a woman.

Next Goal: Swim 500m

Current Status: Wondering if watching "Disturbia" has warped my sense of reality.

Upcoming: Swim Night

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