Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday Spin Class

Walking up to the Y today for my spin class, I was overcome by a woozy feeling. I had felt extremely tired while tutoring after school, and I got to the gym a bit early to loosen up, lift a few weights, and shake off the cobwebs.

I did some crunches, bicep curls, tricep extensions, bench presses, oblique crunches with a medicine ball, push-ups, and lat pull downs. Started to feel a bit better, but still a tad light headed. Started to get ready for class, and loosened up on the bike. Class started, and I was thinking I would spin as much as my body would allow, but likely not make it through the class. However, once the class got going heavy, the feeling went entirely away!

Taking spin classes has been a new experience lately. At first, I could hardly keep up the pace with the instructor, and only do a few of the standing positions. Now, I can really get into the whole burning workout. I like the pace, setting my own tension, and the workout is a real bomb for my legs. My weekday instructor even plays music I actually like (Today after class we discussed our favorite Primus albums!). The class takes between an hour and 45 minutes, and by the end, I have usually sweat through every piece of clothing. Last week, someone stopped me in the parking lot and asked me if I fell in the pool. Serious, I was that drenched! Today's class featured a lot of medium pace with medium to heavy resistance. Lots of Burn. Made it through all the standing sections except 30 secsonds of the last series that featured single leg work on turns. Those are still really hard for me.

Anyway, once I finished the class, and headed to my second tutoring stint, the whole woozy thing came back. Weird huh? It was like my body thrived from the adrenaline. I'm still not sure what's going on. I don't feel bad. No shakes. No headaches. Just a light headed feeling. I must not be getting enough energy from my diet. Maybe the cafeteria meatloaf I had for lunch was a bad idea? Or, maybe not having my morning Powerbar caught up with me?

Next Goal: Riverfest 5k under 30 minutes (Maybe 29? Still deciding) 11 days to go

Current Status: Woozy? Tight left calf still. Slightly sore left knee. Feeling good overall though.

Upcoming: CT5k Week8 Day 3 on Wednesday.

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