Monday, April 21, 2008

Couch to 5k Week 8 Day 2

Today was home track run. I say this because I ran around my neighborhood, and not on the treadmill at the Y, as I usually do. I prefer running outside, but don't get the added strength conditioning from weight equipment like I do at the Y.

My "Home Course" is about a mile and quarter road that circles the Lake in our development. It has a hilly side and a flat side. Since I usually run at night after my 2 boys are in bed, I run with a flashlight. And, since many dog owners in our area don't fence their canines, I carry a foot long wooden hammer!! I must be an interesting sight to the drivers that pass me by at around 9 - 10 at night.

What I like best about running outside at night is getting to reflect and unwind from the day. Especially a crappy day like this one was. Teaching 11 year olds this time of year can be daunting to say the least. Random thoughts enter my mind and travel past as I take stride through different sections of my run.

Some of my thoughts from tonight include: 1) Would I run faster if Selma Hayek narrated my training run instead of some random 40 year old guy getting back in shape? 2) Why do so many people sprinkle the street at night and not their yard? 3) If someone calls the cops about a strange man running with a hammer, do I stop or keep running so as not to ruin my workout?

Anyways.. Tonight was a great run. After a break yesterday, and Friday's challenging hill, I really tried to set a faster pace. The last time I ran my "Home Course" I was only able to make it around one and 3/4 of a lap. A slow pace, but not bad after not running for over a week to focus on biking for the RTR competition, and I was running in about 40 degree weather which really aggravated my asthma. Pushing through all the climbs and kicking hard on the flat stretches I made it more than 2 full laps in today's 5 minute warm up walk, 28 minute jog, and 5 minute cool down.

I don't have any fancy heart rate machines yet, or anyway of measuring distance or calories burned, but I know I busted a new personal record for my Briarcliffe track.

Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes (Might change to 29?) 12 Days to go!

Current Status: Lingering soreness in my left calf. Can't seem to get it to go away, or stretch it out. Otherwise, very pleased.

Upcoming: Tuesday Night Spin Class at the Y
Update: Here's a map of the run. Total Distance: 3.08 during 5 minute walk and 28 minute run.


Jason said...

Here's a way to measure your distance:

I see you at 28 minutes :) Remember, most folks can't even run a mile. You're already well on your way to getting back in shape.

Jason said...

Cool map! Again, I say 28 minutes. I bet you run 30 seconds per mile faster than you are training just with the race day adrenaline pumping.