Sunday, April 27, 2008

National Whitewater Center Day

First, I was not able to ride today, because the trails at the NWC were closed. Bummer! I guess the trails are clay and still new, so any rain turns them a major mess. Did ride to the top of a hill before hearing I could not ride today. I was amazed how much lighter the S-Caliber feels.

I did enjoy my day watching the races, even though I had no clue who was winning, or who made the Olympic team. Lots of people from all over the world, and I will be planning a trip to ride again soon.

Here are some pics I took:

Here I am on the center's climing wall. I did not do very well. Only made it to the top of one climb out of four runs. My forearms burned so bad!
Next Goal: RiverFest Epilepsy 5k on Saturday, May 3 under 29 min.
Current Status: Eager to ride my new bike. Wishing I did not have shins.
Up Next: Busy Meeting Monday. I have 2 meetings after school to make. I hope to make the Y at night for some pedaling and weights.

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