Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Beginning

After reading the posts of others the past few weeks, I have decided to give blogging another try. Did one a few years ago, but with two boys and too much work, I did not keep up with it. However, seeing as my wife and I have decided to get ourselves back in shape, now I have something productive to track.

In the past 5 months, I have joined the Y by our house, started taking spinning classes, weight training, and training for running 5Ks. I have even run my first 5k in about 33 minutes this March at Riverbanks Zoo. Also, after Jason convinced me to give it a try, I rode the beginner class in the Race to the River at Harbison last week.

The 5k was a great experience. Finished in the middle of the pack, but could not catch an 11 year old in the final meters. That was kinda humbling. Race to the River was much the same experience. Enjoyed the workout. Could not keep up the speed of the others, and ended up crashing on a turn in mile 2 or 3. Cracked my shoulder pretty hard, and may have slightly broken my collar bone, but got back on and finished! I did pass 2 guys in my class later, but cheesed out and let the second one pass back with only yards to the end. Learned an important lesson. Never ease up! Finished second to last in the group, but rode it under an hour.

I have dropped 20 pounds since the start of the new year, and I am toying with the idea of a sprint triathalon in June, if I can get serious about swimming 500m. My wife and I are training using the Couch to 5K plan on and we are both on our last 2 weeks in the program.

Next goal: Run the Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes.

Current status this week: One Spin Class on Tues., 2 training runs of a 5k distance Mon. & Wed., and an interrupted workout tonight (Fire alarm at the Y made me leave early!)

Upcoming: Run 1st day of week 8 in Couch to 5k tomorrow. Ride Lost Creek for the 1st time on Sat. then Rest on Sunday


Jason said...

Here's to meeting your running goal of 29.xx minutes or less! Lost Creek should be fun.

hammernails said...

Welcome to blog land again!