I knew going into tonight's ride with the regulars from Harrell's that I would be the slowest in the group. I knew I would have to push it to keep up. I knew it would be fast. I wanted to try my best and not slow everybody down. You know, kinda hold my own.
Well, I couldn't even keep the main group in sight. I felt bad every time Jason kindly turned back around to check on me. And, I promise I was going as hard as I could. Sorry to anyone that got annoyed.
Doing Lost Creek for the second time tonight was tough. I just can't find a groove on the single track back there. I will keep riding it as much as possible to get more comfortable on the swoops, turns, valleys, and tight terrain. My legs tightened up fast, and the burn really bothered me. I pushed as hard as I could, but without being able to let loose and carve, I worked much harder than I should have. The last couple valleys with turns really through me around. I have to find some speed in that section, but don't have the balance, or confidence yet. It would be worth it to just practice that section a few times.
Even though I was slow, I was extremely happy riding my new bike. The S-Caliber is much more bike than I am used to, and it will take time to be able to push the bike to its ability. I felt like I had to hold it back. The bike took turns well, and I am not used to being able to lay a bike on its edge. As I learn to trust the bike, I will be able to lean it out more. The suspension is light years ahead of my old bike. I hardly felt bumps that used to jolt me clear out of the sadle on over the handle bars. The last section of the Stewardship I rode before heading back on the dirt rode to the parking lot was awesome. I let loose and soared over terrain without a care or worry. I loved the handling at high speed. Actually, the bike felt better the faster I let it go.
On an odd note, learning to use the grip shifters was more of a struggle than I had ever imagined. I know this is strange, but I kept having to think about left or right, up or down as I made gear adjustments.
On the gravel road back, I decided to spin as hard as possible. And, boy was I surprised how light the bike is and how fast I was able to go over hills that used to gas me. Clearly, I will love this bike!.
I was not sure how hard I had pushed it tonight. Being so far behind the others, and enjoyed the new ride, I had lost track, however, as I got in my car to leave the forest, I started coughing and noticed my exercise induced asthma was cranking up. I have not had issue with it, since about a month into my training. If my lungs were swelling up, then I must have pushed my heart rate into new territory. Jason promised me riding with Monty would do that.
Next Goal: 5k on Saturday under 29 minutes (3 days away)
Current Status: Humble
Upcoming: Not sure. Probably a light workout and some time on the elliptical machine.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Mark Spitz, I am NOT!
I am NOT a strong swimmer. Growing up, I never took lessons. I can swim enough to keep above water. That's about it. So, taking up swimming to compete in triatholons will be a challenge.
Taking to the pool today to start some laps, I had no idea how I'd do, but now that I am home, I feel worse than when I started. I have no idea what sort of workout I got. You don't sweat when swimming. Or do you? I was out of breath every lap. I could not control my breathing, and had trouble sucking in water during strokes. I actually went backwards, when I tried using a kick board. Sad.
I sink like a rock. I fight the water. I have no skill. This is not going to be easy.
I swam (or at least was in the water) for about 30 minutes. I learned that fighting to swim harder does not get you anywhere. Unfortunately, for me, that's just about how I approach most things in life. I never was gifted with much skill in life, but learned to fight harder than those around me to do better.
In school, I'd study twice as hard as others to make "C's." In most sports, I practice longer, train harder, to do just as well as others. What I lacked in skills, I made up for with tenacity.
Swimming is not that way. I must learn the skill. Watching the smooth, effortless strokes of those around me was frustrating. I find it fascinating how little effort they incorporate into something that requires all out effort for me.
Next Goal: RiverFest Epilepsy 5K under 29 minutes (4 days to go)
Current Status: Icing a sore left bicep (over exerted from swimming), Searching for "Swimming f0r Dummies" books.
Upcoming: Harbison Ride for the S-Caliber on Wednesday. (Inagural Ride!)
Taking to the pool today to start some laps, I had no idea how I'd do, but now that I am home, I feel worse than when I started. I have no idea what sort of workout I got. You don't sweat when swimming. Or do you? I was out of breath every lap. I could not control my breathing, and had trouble sucking in water during strokes. I actually went backwards, when I tried using a kick board. Sad.
I sink like a rock. I fight the water. I have no skill. This is not going to be easy.
I swam (or at least was in the water) for about 30 minutes. I learned that fighting to swim harder does not get you anywhere. Unfortunately, for me, that's just about how I approach most things in life. I never was gifted with much skill in life, but learned to fight harder than those around me to do better.
In school, I'd study twice as hard as others to make "C's." In most sports, I practice longer, train harder, to do just as well as others. What I lacked in skills, I made up for with tenacity.
Swimming is not that way. I must learn the skill. Watching the smooth, effortless strokes of those around me was frustrating. I find it fascinating how little effort they incorporate into something that requires all out effort for me.
Next Goal: RiverFest Epilepsy 5K under 29 minutes (4 days to go)
Current Status: Icing a sore left bicep (over exerted from swimming), Searching for "Swimming f0r Dummies" books.
Upcoming: Harbison Ride for the S-Caliber on Wednesday. (Inagural Ride!)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Grinding Out Some Spins
Made it to the Y tonight after a PTO Board meeting at my school.
When I arrived after 8 O'Clock, I started my regular workout: stretching, 30 push-ups, 40 crunches (exercise ball style), 40 oblique crunches (with an 8 lb. ball), 40 scissor kicks (with an 8 lb. ball).
Weight training wise, I did 2 sets of 15 reps of: 121 lb. shoulder presses, 88 lb. lat. pull downs, 50 lb. mid rows, 30 lb. single arm dumbell curls, 80 lb. incline chest presses, and 20 lb. bent lat. dumbell raises.
Cardio wise, I stayed away from running, and opted for 45 minutes on the bicycle trainer on cross country mode. I biked up to level 18 for a total of 4 minutes. I spent most of the time over level 10, and finished exactly at 10 pm, when the lights were cutout. I literally closed down the gym. Oddly, I was so focused, I had no idea I was the only one left.
Stats: A tad over 12 miles; A smidgen more than 500 Calories burned.
Next Goal: RiverFest Epilepsy 5k under 29 minutes (5 Days Left)
Current Status: Wishing I could run. Left knee tight on top level on bike trainer. Feelin' Strong otherwise.
Upcoming: Swimming for Tuesday's Workout.
When I arrived after 8 O'Clock, I started my regular workout: stretching, 30 push-ups, 40 crunches (exercise ball style), 40 oblique crunches (with an 8 lb. ball), 40 scissor kicks (with an 8 lb. ball).
Weight training wise, I did 2 sets of 15 reps of: 121 lb. shoulder presses, 88 lb. lat. pull downs, 50 lb. mid rows, 30 lb. single arm dumbell curls, 80 lb. incline chest presses, and 20 lb. bent lat. dumbell raises.
Cardio wise, I stayed away from running, and opted for 45 minutes on the bicycle trainer on cross country mode. I biked up to level 18 for a total of 4 minutes. I spent most of the time over level 10, and finished exactly at 10 pm, when the lights were cutout. I literally closed down the gym. Oddly, I was so focused, I had no idea I was the only one left.
Stats: A tad over 12 miles; A smidgen more than 500 Calories burned.
Next Goal: RiverFest Epilepsy 5k under 29 minutes (5 Days Left)
Current Status: Wishing I could run. Left knee tight on top level on bike trainer. Feelin' Strong otherwise.
Upcoming: Swimming for Tuesday's Workout.
Like Father; Like Son Part II
Today after work, I was going around the block with my sons, while Amy was out tutoring. Bobby was on his pump bike, and I pushed Joey on his Tricycle. We made our way around the lake in our neighborhood.
Bobby enjoyed splashing through the puddles with his feet up, and Joey... well, Joey just loves being on a bike like his brother. He chills. He watches the birds, and occasionally squeels to go one way or another if he's not happy with out direction.
After making it to the top of one of the steeper hills on our route, Bobby turned to me, and took the sleeve of his shirt and wiped the sweat off of his face.
"Look, Daddy, I'm just like you," he said. "This is what you always do."
Then on he went. We both smiled. I am always amazed at the things he observes and learns.
Bobby enjoyed splashing through the puddles with his feet up, and Joey... well, Joey just loves being on a bike like his brother. He chills. He watches the birds, and occasionally squeels to go one way or another if he's not happy with out direction.
After making it to the top of one of the steeper hills on our route, Bobby turned to me, and took the sleeve of his shirt and wiped the sweat off of his face.
"Look, Daddy, I'm just like you," he said. "This is what you always do."
Then on he went. We both smiled. I am always amazed at the things he observes and learns.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
National Whitewater Center Day
First, I was not able to ride today, because the trails at the NWC were closed. Bummer! I guess the trails are clay and still new, so any rain turns them a major mess. Did ride to the top of a hill before hearing I could not ride today. I was amazed how much lighter the S-Caliber feels.
I did enjoy my day watching the races, even though I had no clue who was winning, or who made the Olympic team. Lots of people from all over the world, and I will be planning a trip to ride again soon.
Here are some pics I took:

Here I am on the center's climing wall. I did not do very well. Only made it to the top of one climb out of four runs. My forearms burned so bad!
Next Goal: RiverFest Epilepsy 5k on Saturday, May 3 under 29 min.
I did enjoy my day watching the races, even though I had no clue who was winning, or who made the Olympic team. Lots of people from all over the world, and I will be planning a trip to ride again soon.
Here are some pics I took:

Current Status: Eager to ride my new bike. Wishing I did not have shins.
Up Next: Busy Meeting Monday. I have 2 meetings after school to make. I hope to make the Y at night for some pedaling and weights.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
No Running for a Week
Did not do any training today. Resting my sore legs. Based on the research I have done on the internet using reputable sources, it souds like I am suffering from a typical runner injury known as posterior shin splints.
The good news is that many runners suffer from this as they begin to train. The bad news is that the only remedy is to NOT RUN! So, I will take the next week off from running in order to be able to run my 5k race on Saturday.
I will try to replace my training with swimming, since I was toying with the idea of a sprint triathalon in June anyways. I am not a good swimmer, and I could use the practice anyway.
Hoping to ride tomorrow still.
The good news is that many runners suffer from this as they begin to train. The bad news is that the only remedy is to NOT RUN! So, I will take the next week off from running in order to be able to run my 5k race on Saturday.
I will try to replace my training with swimming, since I was toying with the idea of a sprint triathalon in June anyways. I am not a good swimmer, and I could use the practice anyway.
Hoping to ride tomorrow still.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Late Night Home Track Run
Got home around 9:30, after working all day on after-school Springfest events. Since I did not get any exercise yesterday, I knew I had to get going on my run. I did not want 2 days of inactivity to go by. Today was my first run of the last week of my training program. If I plan it right, I will run my last day on Wednesday, and then chill until race day.
Stretched, and out the door I went around 10 pm. Ran like heck, and even after a full day of being on my feet I was able to push the pace. Today's run was a 30 minute jog, and I wanted to get some miles down. If my estimate is right, I will have put together a 10 mile week of running. I do like running outside, especially at night. It's peaceful, and I get to enjoy a nice breeze off the lake, as a result of the micro-weather pattern due to the heat relapse over the water front.
About a mile into the run, I started feeling the left calf ball up. This has become pretty common. I have had trouble keeping my left calf loose, and then today, my right calf went, too. It's not the whole muscle. It's just the inside scoop up the big toe side. I feel it most running downhill. It's not enought pain to force me to stop, but it's starting to build.
Unfortunately, I am beginning to surmize that this may be due to all my night training. With my work schedule, it's almost impossible to get a workout in during the day, and I am not a morning person. So I will have to figure this one out. I plan to go with some serious human body science. I will be upping the nutrion factor, as a first stage of assault. Tonight, I have added a 1/2 gallon of h20, a banana, and raisins. Also, I will be searching for additional supplements to help.
I have been very happy with my training success so far, and I think the level of workout I have achieved is starting to tax my body. As a result, I will have to adjust my scketchy food intake, and use better judgement about what I eat, so that I can continue to see improvements.
By the way, if Mapmyrun.com is to be trusted, I ran about 3.25 miles in 30 minutes tonight.
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 29 minutes (8 Days Left!)
Current Status: Sore calves, full bladder.
Upcoming: Hopefully a ride at the Whitewater Center in Charlotte on Sunday with the S-Caliber.
Stretched, and out the door I went around 10 pm. Ran like heck, and even after a full day of being on my feet I was able to push the pace. Today's run was a 30 minute jog, and I wanted to get some miles down. If my estimate is right, I will have put together a 10 mile week of running. I do like running outside, especially at night. It's peaceful, and I get to enjoy a nice breeze off the lake, as a result of the micro-weather pattern due to the heat relapse over the water front.
About a mile into the run, I started feeling the left calf ball up. This has become pretty common. I have had trouble keeping my left calf loose, and then today, my right calf went, too. It's not the whole muscle. It's just the inside scoop up the big toe side. I feel it most running downhill. It's not enought pain to force me to stop, but it's starting to build.
Unfortunately, I am beginning to surmize that this may be due to all my night training. With my work schedule, it's almost impossible to get a workout in during the day, and I am not a morning person. So I will have to figure this one out. I plan to go with some serious human body science. I will be upping the nutrion factor, as a first stage of assault. Tonight, I have added a 1/2 gallon of h20, a banana, and raisins. Also, I will be searching for additional supplements to help.
I have been very happy with my training success so far, and I think the level of workout I have achieved is starting to tax my body. As a result, I will have to adjust my scketchy food intake, and use better judgement about what I eat, so that I can continue to see improvements.
By the way, if Mapmyrun.com is to be trusted, I ran about 3.25 miles in 30 minutes tonight.
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 29 minutes (8 Days Left!)
Current Status: Sore calves, full bladder.
Upcoming: Hopefully a ride at the Whitewater Center in Charlotte on Sunday with the S-Caliber.
New Bike!
OK! I went to Harrell's to get the used Sugar last night. Somehow, I ended up leaving with a 2007 Gary Fisher Supercaliber. I think I got a good deal. Very Happy with it. Big difference from my old Hotrock hardtail. Hope to ride this weekend.
To this:
From this:

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Good Morning!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
When Treadmills Go Bad

Hitting the weights, I went through my regular routine: Stretching, Crunches, Push-ups, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions, Sit-ups, Obliques with Medicine Ball, Some back stuff, Some shoulder stuff, Some flies, and Some butterfly crunches with a medicine ball. A pretty good overall workout. I usually have a 2 day rotation so I don't hit the same muscle groups on consecutive days, but I got off on my routine, and have scrapped the plan and just put a whole mess of stuff together this week. Not very scientific, but oh well.
Transitioning to the treadmill area, I realized I was still a little light headed, just like yesterday. Having the same feeling this morning, I talked to the nurse at my school; she checked my vitals, and informed me that I probably have sinus issues. Aww! That makes sense. So getting up the energy to run today was not easy. Sluggishly, I started my iPod, and began a 5 minute warmup walk. Moved to a 11 minute mile pace for the first 5 minutes; 10 minute mile pace the next 5 minutes; and 9 1/2 minute mile pace the next 5, when I popped the safety device thingy and my treadmill stopped. With the ear phones in, I can't hear much, so I'm not exactly sure if I cursed out loud, but I definetly thought some bad things.
Argh! I was completely in the zone, pushing myself hard, and then bonk. Nothing. Rushing to get going again, I cranked the belt back up. I never did get in the groove again. The rest of my run was a struggle. My legs stayed tight, my breathing was off, and focus was lost. Continuing, I was bothered by the sweat running down my face, knocked the cord out again, and kept watching the timer for the end of my run. I never do that. I usually stare ahead at the blank TV screen in front of me (watching TV while jogging is just plain irritating in my opinion, so I cut the dang thing off).
I have no idea how many calories I burned, or what the total mileage was, since the treadmill reset each time I tripped it, but I am pretty sure my overall pace was below a 10 minute mile. At least that's some good news. I'm on target for my goal next Saturday.
Next Goal: Riverfest Epilepsy 5k under 29 minutes (Yeah, that's right. I'm going lower.)
Current Status: Tight left calf still. Clogged sinus?? But, feeling strong.
Upcoming: Not sure. I have a meeting at school tomorrow night. Hopefully, I can at least put in some bike work on a trainer tomorrow night, since I'll miss my spin class time.
Postscript: I am planning on buying the used GF Sugar FS bike at Harrell's tomorrow if it is still there. Yeah!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday Spin Class
Walking up to the Y today for my spin class, I was overcome by a woozy feeling. I had felt extremely tired while tutoring after school, and I got to the gym a bit early to loosen up, lift a few weights, and shake off the cobwebs.
I did some crunches, bicep curls, tricep extensions, bench presses, oblique crunches with a medicine ball, push-ups, and lat pull downs. Started to feel a bit better, but still a tad light headed. Started to get ready for class, and loosened up on the bike. Class started, and I was thinking I would spin as much as my body would allow, but likely not make it through the class. However, once the class got going heavy, the feeling went entirely away!
Taking spin classes has been a new experience lately. At first, I could hardly keep up the pace with the instructor, and only do a few of the standing positions. Now, I can really get into the whole burning workout. I like the pace, setting my own tension, and the workout is a real bomb for my legs. My weekday instructor even plays music I actually like (Today after class we discussed our favorite Primus albums!). The class takes between an hour and 45 minutes, and by the end, I have usually sweat through every piece of clothing. Last week, someone stopped me in the parking lot and asked me if I fell in the pool. Serious, I was that drenched! Today's class featured a lot of medium pace with medium to heavy resistance. Lots of Burn. Made it through all the standing sections except 30 secsonds of the last series that featured single leg work on turns. Those are still really hard for me.
Anyway, once I finished the class, and headed to my second tutoring stint, the whole woozy thing came back. Weird huh? It was like my body thrived from the adrenaline. I'm still not sure what's going on. I don't feel bad. No shakes. No headaches. Just a light headed feeling. I must not be getting enough energy from my diet. Maybe the cafeteria meatloaf I had for lunch was a bad idea? Or, maybe not having my morning Powerbar caught up with me?
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k under 30 minutes (Maybe 29? Still deciding) 11 days to go
Current Status: Woozy? Tight left calf still. Slightly sore left knee. Feeling good overall though.
Upcoming: CT5k Week8 Day 3 on Wednesday.
I did some crunches, bicep curls, tricep extensions, bench presses, oblique crunches with a medicine ball, push-ups, and lat pull downs. Started to feel a bit better, but still a tad light headed. Started to get ready for class, and loosened up on the bike. Class started, and I was thinking I would spin as much as my body would allow, but likely not make it through the class. However, once the class got going heavy, the feeling went entirely away!
Taking spin classes has been a new experience lately. At first, I could hardly keep up the pace with the instructor, and only do a few of the standing positions. Now, I can really get into the whole burning workout. I like the pace, setting my own tension, and the workout is a real bomb for my legs. My weekday instructor even plays music I actually like (Today after class we discussed our favorite Primus albums!). The class takes between an hour and 45 minutes, and by the end, I have usually sweat through every piece of clothing. Last week, someone stopped me in the parking lot and asked me if I fell in the pool. Serious, I was that drenched! Today's class featured a lot of medium pace with medium to heavy resistance. Lots of Burn. Made it through all the standing sections except 30 secsonds of the last series that featured single leg work on turns. Those are still really hard for me.
Anyway, once I finished the class, and headed to my second tutoring stint, the whole woozy thing came back. Weird huh? It was like my body thrived from the adrenaline. I'm still not sure what's going on. I don't feel bad. No shakes. No headaches. Just a light headed feeling. I must not be getting enough energy from my diet. Maybe the cafeteria meatloaf I had for lunch was a bad idea? Or, maybe not having my morning Powerbar caught up with me?
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k under 30 minutes (Maybe 29? Still deciding) 11 days to go
Current Status: Woozy? Tight left calf still. Slightly sore left knee. Feeling good overall though.
Upcoming: CT5k Week8 Day 3 on Wednesday.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Couch to 5k Week 8 Day 2
Today was home track run. I say this because I ran around my neighborhood, and not on the treadmill at the Y, as I usually do. I prefer running outside, but don't get the added strength conditioning from weight equipment like I do at the Y.
My "Home Course" is about a mile and quarter road that circles the Lake in our development. It has a hilly side and a flat side. Since I usually run at night after my 2 boys are in bed, I run with a flashlight. And, since many dog owners in our area don't fence their canines, I carry a foot long wooden hammer!! I must be an interesting sight to the drivers that pass me by at around 9 - 10 at night.
What I like best about running outside at night is getting to reflect and unwind from the day. Especially a crappy day like this one was. Teaching 11 year olds this time of year can be daunting to say the least. Random thoughts enter my mind and travel past as I take stride through different sections of my run.
Some of my thoughts from tonight include: 1) Would I run faster if Selma Hayek narrated my training run instead of some random 40 year old guy getting back in shape? 2) Why do so many people sprinkle the street at night and not their yard? 3) If someone calls the cops about a strange man running with a hammer, do I stop or keep running so as not to ruin my workout?
Anyways.. Tonight was a great run. After a break yesterday, and Friday's challenging hill, I really tried to set a faster pace. The last time I ran my "Home Course" I was only able to make it around one and 3/4 of a lap. A slow pace, but not bad after not running for over a week to focus on biking for the RTR competition, and I was running in about 40 degree weather which really aggravated my asthma. Pushing through all the climbs and kicking hard on the flat stretches I made it more than 2 full laps in today's 5 minute warm up walk, 28 minute jog, and 5 minute cool down.
I don't have any fancy heart rate machines yet, or anyway of measuring distance or calories burned, but I know I busted a new personal record for my Briarcliffe track.
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes (Might change to 29?) 12 Days to go!
Current Status: Lingering soreness in my left calf. Can't seem to get it to go away, or stretch it out. Otherwise, very pleased.
Upcoming: Tuesday Night Spin Class at the Y
Update: Here's a map of the run. Total Distance: 3.08 during 5 minute walk and 28 minute run.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Next Weekend's Plans
Planning to head to Charlotte for the National Whitewater Olympic Trials being held next weekend. I hope to be able to bring my bike and check out the trails that surround the center on Sunday, and maybe even watch some folks bomb the man made rapids there.

Saw the center last year, and was awestruck by the facilities. Amy and I climbed the towers for about an hour, and I wished I had thought to bring my bike.
More info on the Olympic Qualifiers Event: http://www.usnwc.org/2008-Olympic-Team-Trials.html

More info on the Trails: http://www.usnwc.org/Trail-System.html
Check out the biker video on the link!
It's Official!
Just finished registering online for the Riverfest 5k on May 3. Amy and I are set for sure. No backing out now, huh?
Time for Jason and Becky to get on board. Anyone else interested??
Race info is listed here: http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/local/socarolina/events.cfm
Register online and save paper here:http://www.strictlyrunning.com/gpscrlgnReg-9f.asp
Time for Jason and Becky to get on board. Anyone else interested??
Race info is listed here: http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/local/socarolina/events.cfm
Register online and save paper here:http://www.strictlyrunning.com/gpscrlgnReg-9f.asp
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Like Father; Like Son
Thought I'd post my son's impression of Daddy falling last week during the RTR MTB Race.

On a technical note, Bobby opted to go keister first, while I chose to lead with my left shoulder, which by the way, I broke several years ago riding at Sesqui two weeks before I got married. But that's another story all together.

Lost Creek Ride
Took on the Lost Creek trail at Harbison with Jason this am. Getting up and going before 7:30 was my first challenge of the day. I was surprised by the cold chill still in the air as we headed off down Firebreak on our way to the trail, but as Jason promised, I didn't fell cool for long.
Lost Creek trail was a real challenge for me today. After falling in the RTR race last weekend, I have begun to realize I need to work on improving my bike skills. The tight, undulating single track on LC trail forced me to think about body position and momentum through turns and up hills. At first, my hardtail bounced along the rooted course and my rear tire spent a good bit of time in the air. I had a difficult time keeping in the groove that Jason was taking, however, by the end, I believe I have a few points to work on: 1: Keep back over the saddle. My rear is scooting forward and taking weight off the back end. 2: Keep upright. I noticed that I'm leaning too far into turns, and loosing balance. 3: Keep my Arms from bending in. The last bit on the trail I was able to get the groove better when I sat back and kept my arms my rigid.
This was a nice ride to help work on riding skills. Not as much cardio, or conditioning work, but still I was sweating so I did have to work at it today. Jason was kind enough to lead me through the technical parts. Hope I didn't hold him back too badly.
Post Script: Went by Harrell's to check on a used FS bike. Thinking heavily about the used Gary Fisher on sale. Very light. Much more bike than I have now. Just concerned about not having disc brakes, but then again I get by without them now.
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes
Current Staus: Debating used fs bike or new hardtail.
Upcoming: Rest Day for the Peleton.
Lost Creek trail was a real challenge for me today. After falling in the RTR race last weekend, I have begun to realize I need to work on improving my bike skills. The tight, undulating single track on LC trail forced me to think about body position and momentum through turns and up hills. At first, my hardtail bounced along the rooted course and my rear tire spent a good bit of time in the air. I had a difficult time keeping in the groove that Jason was taking, however, by the end, I believe I have a few points to work on: 1: Keep back over the saddle. My rear is scooting forward and taking weight off the back end. 2: Keep upright. I noticed that I'm leaning too far into turns, and loosing balance. 3: Keep my Arms from bending in. The last bit on the trail I was able to get the groove better when I sat back and kept my arms my rigid.
This was a nice ride to help work on riding skills. Not as much cardio, or conditioning work, but still I was sweating so I did have to work at it today. Jason was kind enough to lead me through the technical parts. Hope I didn't hold him back too badly.
Post Script: Went by Harrell's to check on a used FS bike. Thinking heavily about the used Gary Fisher on sale. Very light. Much more bike than I have now. Just concerned about not having disc brakes, but then again I get by without them now.
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes
Current Staus: Debating used fs bike or new hardtail.
Upcoming: Rest Day for the Peleton.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Atascadero means "No Exit"
Went running at my parent's house where I grew up in Forest Acres tonight with my wife. Stopped by the folks place for dinner, and decided to get my 3rd run for the week in before it got too late. This was my first run in week 8 of my training program, and I was set for a solid 28 minute run. Knowing the area quit well from my childhood, I knew I had to confront an old nemisis.
Atascadero Hill!
Don't know if you have ever been there, but the word literally translates to: mire, muddy place, area of swampy land; stumbling block; dead end, street which has no exit. Crazy! That's just how I've always felt about it.
Stumbling Block. Dead End. No exit. Mire.
Riding my old banana seat bike as a kid, I never once made it over the top without getting off the bike. In fact, my friends and I always searched and plotted ways to get around that hill, and still make it to our destination. Of course, once I learned to drive, this was never an issue using good ol' fossil fuel.
However, in today's run, I knew I had to face my enemy on a level paying field. Plugging in my iPod headphones, and turning on my training podcast of Week 8, I began the assault on "No Exit" hill.
Starting from my parents house, I headed to Trenhom Park, looped around the soccer field, dodged behind the tennis courts, across Ivy Hall, down to Sylan Road, up to Covenant Road, up the hill near Brockman School, and down to Gill's Creek at the bottom of Atascadero Road from the direction of The Other Store (Great Chili Dog's). I purposely planned a route that would end with a run up "Dead End" Hill.
The little dude prattling on in my ear was telling me over the background music of my iPod to "Push harder! Last Minute!" Perfect timing. I took off.
For those that may not know. The hill I was looking at is a least a quarter mile uphill. God has almost perfectly planned this piece of land to torture leg muscles. A soft steady climb, a turn in the road that leads to steaper ground, a brief levelling off, and then "Whamo!" This "Stumbling Block" of hill goes vertical the last 100 yards, and I loose the view of the sky. Only a smidgen of sidewalk and road mark the top, but wait, what you see is only a false summit, there's more to go.
Of course, I could not make the hill in the minute I had left to my run, and my iPod friend was telling me to begin my cooldown walk with at least half the hill left. In just about the exact spot I used to jump off and walk my banana seat bike to the top. No way! I ignored my podcast instructions, and struggled on. Heaving, sucking and slobbering, I crested the false summit and burned on past the mailbox that mentally marked the real top of Atascadero. Just like that, my childhood enemy was crushed. Yes! Score one for the good guys.
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes
Current Staus: Sore Legs, Tight back, Big Smile Week 8 Run 1 down.
Upcoming: Ride the Lost Creek at Harbison with Jason on Saturday at 7:30 am; then some rest on Sunday
Update: Here's a map of the Route
Atascadero Hill!
Don't know if you have ever been there, but the word literally translates to: mire, muddy place, area of swampy land; stumbling block; dead end, street which has no exit. Crazy! That's just how I've always felt about it.
Stumbling Block. Dead End. No exit. Mire.
Riding my old banana seat bike as a kid, I never once made it over the top without getting off the bike. In fact, my friends and I always searched and plotted ways to get around that hill, and still make it to our destination. Of course, once I learned to drive, this was never an issue using good ol' fossil fuel.
However, in today's run, I knew I had to face my enemy on a level paying field. Plugging in my iPod headphones, and turning on my training podcast of Week 8, I began the assault on "No Exit" hill.
Starting from my parents house, I headed to Trenhom Park, looped around the soccer field, dodged behind the tennis courts, across Ivy Hall, down to Sylan Road, up to Covenant Road, up the hill near Brockman School, and down to Gill's Creek at the bottom of Atascadero Road from the direction of The Other Store (Great Chili Dog's). I purposely planned a route that would end with a run up "Dead End" Hill.
The little dude prattling on in my ear was telling me over the background music of my iPod to "Push harder! Last Minute!" Perfect timing. I took off.
For those that may not know. The hill I was looking at is a least a quarter mile uphill. God has almost perfectly planned this piece of land to torture leg muscles. A soft steady climb, a turn in the road that leads to steaper ground, a brief levelling off, and then "Whamo!" This "Stumbling Block" of hill goes vertical the last 100 yards, and I loose the view of the sky. Only a smidgen of sidewalk and road mark the top, but wait, what you see is only a false summit, there's more to go.
Of course, I could not make the hill in the minute I had left to my run, and my iPod friend was telling me to begin my cooldown walk with at least half the hill left. In just about the exact spot I used to jump off and walk my banana seat bike to the top. No way! I ignored my podcast instructions, and struggled on. Heaving, sucking and slobbering, I crested the false summit and burned on past the mailbox that mentally marked the real top of Atascadero. Just like that, my childhood enemy was crushed. Yes! Score one for the good guys.
Next Goal: Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes
Current Staus: Sore Legs, Tight back, Big Smile Week 8 Run 1 down.
Upcoming: Ride the Lost Creek at Harbison with Jason on Saturday at 7:30 am; then some rest on Sunday
Update: Here's a map of the Route
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Beginning
After reading the posts of others the past few weeks, I have decided to give blogging another try. Did one a few years ago, but with two boys and too much work, I did not keep up with it. However, seeing as my wife and I have decided to get ourselves back in shape, now I have something productive to track.
In the past 5 months, I have joined the Y by our house, started taking spinning classes, weight training, and training for running 5Ks. I have even run my first 5k in about 33 minutes this March at Riverbanks Zoo. Also, after Jason convinced me to give it a try, I rode the beginner class in the Race to the River at Harbison last week.
The 5k was a great experience. Finished in the middle of the pack, but could not catch an 11 year old in the final meters. That was kinda humbling. Race to the River was much the same experience. Enjoyed the workout. Could not keep up the speed of the others, and ended up crashing on a turn in mile 2 or 3. Cracked my shoulder pretty hard, and may have slightly broken my collar bone, but got back on and finished! I did pass 2 guys in my class later, but cheesed out and let the second one pass back with only yards to the end. Learned an important lesson. Never ease up! Finished second to last in the group, but rode it under an hour.
I have dropped 20 pounds since the start of the new year, and I am toying with the idea of a sprint triathalon in June, if I can get serious about swimming 500m. My wife and I are training using the Couch to 5K plan on CoolRunning.com and we are both on our last 2 weeks in the program.
Next goal: Run the Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes.
Current status this week: One Spin Class on Tues., 2 training runs of a 5k distance Mon. & Wed., and an interrupted workout tonight (Fire alarm at the Y made me leave early!)
Upcoming: Run 1st day of week 8 in Couch to 5k tomorrow. Ride Lost Creek for the 1st time on Sat. then Rest on Sunday
In the past 5 months, I have joined the Y by our house, started taking spinning classes, weight training, and training for running 5Ks. I have even run my first 5k in about 33 minutes this March at Riverbanks Zoo. Also, after Jason convinced me to give it a try, I rode the beginner class in the Race to the River at Harbison last week.
The 5k was a great experience. Finished in the middle of the pack, but could not catch an 11 year old in the final meters. That was kinda humbling. Race to the River was much the same experience. Enjoyed the workout. Could not keep up the speed of the others, and ended up crashing on a turn in mile 2 or 3. Cracked my shoulder pretty hard, and may have slightly broken my collar bone, but got back on and finished! I did pass 2 guys in my class later, but cheesed out and let the second one pass back with only yards to the end. Learned an important lesson. Never ease up! Finished second to last in the group, but rode it under an hour.
I have dropped 20 pounds since the start of the new year, and I am toying with the idea of a sprint triathalon in June, if I can get serious about swimming 500m. My wife and I are training using the Couch to 5K plan on CoolRunning.com and we are both on our last 2 weeks in the program.
Next goal: Run the Riverfest 5k on May 3 under 30 minutes.
Current status this week: One Spin Class on Tues., 2 training runs of a 5k distance Mon. & Wed., and an interrupted workout tonight (Fire alarm at the Y made me leave early!)
Upcoming: Run 1st day of week 8 in Couch to 5k tomorrow. Ride Lost Creek for the 1st time on Sat. then Rest on Sunday
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