Thursday, June 12, 2008

Not My 'A' Game

Clipping in on the spin bike, I knew within a few minutes I did not have "IT" tonight. I felt tight, and could not keep up the pace on tension climbs. My Quads would burn after only a few seconds of hard work. As a result, I backed down a lot tonight. My HR was lower than usual, and I just did not get as much out of spin class as I usually do.

I worked up plenty of sweat, and did complete the class, even though, I never really got going. I think the weights are still in my legs. Or, my short, fierce commutes of less than 2 miles have been building up. When I rode to work this week, I did not really warm up, or cool down. I have noticed some tightening, since I never really got going.

I lost my HR data. Somehow I clicked the start button again. Dang! But, My avg was about 130, and I burned only about 500 calories. Not my usual.

Followed up the the spin class with a swim. I have not been swimming in a while, so I was looking forward to getting in the pool. My shoulders felt good, as well. I tried a new swim technique called "The Zipper" that forced me to work on slowing down my stroke to keep one hand in front at all times. I really had to rotate side to side, and I felt a difference. I swam a total of 600m spread out on several different techniques. I will try and swim again on Saturday to make sure I get a second swim in for the week. I want 2 swims a week at least for a while. I hope this helps make a difference. I'm getting frustrated by a lack of progress in the pool.

Next Goal: Swim 500m

Current Status: Worn out legs

Upcoming: The Big Easy Group Ride


Jim said...

Your doing great, dont let a sub A game day get you down. Wish I could say I could swim, run, weights,spin class, road bike and mountain bike. Thats gotta be EXCELLENT for ya. You definately have my vote for being extremely disciplined. Good work.

Training Tim said...

Thanks. I appreciate the support.