Sunday, June 8, 2008

Home Course Distance Record

Riding home from the pool with Amy on her bike, and the Boys in the bike trailer tonight, I was swamped with heat, and sweat in just a few minutes of low speed pedalling. Immediately, I began thinking of cancelling tonight's run. Mentally, I wrestled back and forth several times, before deciding to just gut it out, and deal with heat. I think Amy was a tad worried since I had already ridden in the heat earlier, and I was planning a long run. Several times she tried to talk me out of it. I like that she cares.

My goal tonight was for 3 laps of the Lake Route at a slow pace. I was hoping to keep my heart rate around 140 or lower, and put on some miles to build up my endurance.

On the first lap, I focused on keeping my hands low, and breathing easy. I wanted to feel like I was barely jogging. I focused on my left leg as well, and really concentrated on hitting heal first. I seem to drag my left a tad, and this may be the cause of the left shin issues. I didn't break a sweat until about half way around. The first lap of 1.29 miles took about 15 minutes. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

The second lap started just as the first. I started picking up the pace without realizing and my heart rate picked up a bit, but I slowed and dropped back to my goal. Sweat factor started to pick up, and as the second lap ended, I could feel a pit develop in my stomach. It was as if the bottom had fallen out. If I owned any Goo (sp?), I would have used it then for sure. My arms and legs felt fine still, so I knew I was okay. The second lap took about 16 minutes.

The third lap was a nice challenge. Sweat covered my body, and pools would dribble over my bushy eyebrows and down the side of cheeks almost constantly. Keeping a good form really paid off and I felt down right speedy. The lake wind across the dam was a welcomed sight as I neared the end and headed towards the end. I picked it up, and raced over the last hill just to see if I had and kick, and I was surprised how much I still had in the tank. The third lap was under 15 minutes. Crazy, but yes, the last lap was the fastest. I kinda let go of the whole slow thing, huh?!

As long as my body holds together tomorrow morn when I wake up, this was a great run. No real shin issues, but I did ice just in case, and I will take some Advil before bed as well. Knees felt good, too. My feet were a tad worn out, but I did not see any blisters or other ailments that will last through my next run day. My only real injury issue is that my right shoulder is strained from something I did in the pool. I tweaked it somehow, and the past 2 days its had limited use.

Run Time: 46:12
Zone Time: 44:33
Distance: 3.9 miles
Avg HR: 144 bpm
Max HR: 165 bpm (on the last hill during the sprint)
Cals. Burned: 599

Next Goal: Swim 500m

Current Status: Lovin' the cold post run shower

Upcoming: Weights & Swim (If shoulder feels better)

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