Saturday, May 10, 2008


Decided to take a rest day instead of doing the planned run. Worked all day at the neighborhood pool getting it clean and ready for the summer. I think I pressure-washed just about every piece of brick, tile, or wood that's down there. My back is tight from bending over, and I got a sunburn on my neck. Also, I think I might hear the rattle of a 6hp Honda OHC engine in my sleep tonight.

Brrmm... Brrmm... Brrmm...

It felt good to make the subdivion look nicer, and I enjoyed meeting some new folks that turned up to help out. So I guess the effort is worth missing a workout.

Brrmm... Brrmm... Brrmm...

On a side note, my left shoulder is feeling wierd. I will cut back on swimming next week to rest it some. I will either take an extra run or bike to make up for it. Also, from my triathlon reading, it is time to a "Brick" workout by running and biking during the same training session.

Brrmm... Brrmm... Brrmm...

Next Goal: Swim 500m

Current Status: Left Shoulder pain, and Brrmm....Brrmm....Brrmm... goin' off in my head.

Upcoming: Rest Day.. 2 in a row??!!

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