Thursday: 1 hour - 6.2 miles on the x trainer
Friday: 1 hour 15 min. - 20 miles - Big Easy Road Ride (Slow 15 mph pace. I felt great, and enjoyed being out on the road enjoying the scenery.)
Saturday: 600m swim (Lightning closed pool! How does an indoor pool get closed by weather??) then 25 minutes on treadmill at 10 min/ mi. pace until stomach cramped.
Sunday: Sinus Infection returned!! Again. I haven't felt good on a regular basis since spring break. My personal theory is a combination a snotty 5th graders and poor air quality at school are wreaking havoc on my health.
Monday: Swam 1300m in pool with clogged sinus. Picked up new dose of antibiotics.
Side Note: Watched a documentary on Marathons, and now I plan to start looking at running longer distances. I may consider a 13.1 race by this time next year.